California DOJ Agent Testifies Obama AG Loretta Lynch Requested Investigation of Planned Parenthood Video Journalists – IOTW Report

California DOJ Agent Testifies Obama AG Loretta Lynch Requested Investigation of Planned Parenthood Video Journalists


The California Department of Justice agent who was present during the raid on David Daleiden’s home in 2016 testified Tuesday that Obama-era Attorney General Loretta Lynch requested the investigation of the undercover video journalist and his colleague in the wake of their video exposé of Planned Parenthood’s fetal tissue trafficking practices, reported LifeSiteNews.

Special agent Brian Cardwell testified in San Francisco during the preliminary hearing in the criminal case against Daleiden and his colleague, Sandra Merritt, that Lynch sent a letter to former California Attorney General Kamala Harris, now a U.S. senator and a Democrat candidate for president, requesting that the two undercover journalists of Center for Medical Progress (CMP) be investigated.

Harris, who received thousands of dollars in campaign contributions from Planned Parenthood, authorized the raid and seizure of Daleiden’s personal property, including his laptop. Subsequently, she initiated the criminal prosecution against both journalists. read more

11 Comments on California DOJ Agent Testifies Obama AG Loretta Lynch Requested Investigation of Planned Parenthood Video Journalists

  1. Two things:

    – If ever there was a clear cut example of how the Deep (Administrative) State operates as a closed loop and a tyrannical system, this is it. Why has the term “weaponizing the agencies of gov’t against the People” dropped out of use during these discoveries?

    – How is it possible for gov’t to pass legislation that is so obviously specific to a particular cover up that has been legitimately exposed and make it retroactive in order to criminalize those doing the exposing?

    And a third thing:

    – When will the People have their day of justice? Isn’t the argument of when life begins an unsettled battle waged outside the courts, with no legal definition? If, say, funeral homes and coroners began selling the body parts of people — of any age — without the deceased’s prior consent, wouldn’t that constitute a crime too?

  2. Father God, I pray that every colluding, corrupt leader in every level of government will experience justice this side of the grave. You said that the unrepentant evil ones will not go unpunished. In the name of Jesus I pray, let it be so.

    May all believers agree, believe and petition Almighty God with this three sentence prayer.

  3. “…Obama-era Attorney General Loretta Lynch requested the investigation of the undercover video journalist and his colleague in the wake of their video exposé of Planned Parenthood’s fetal tissue organ trafficking”

    they’re selling developed and developing organs and body parts, not just ’tissue’ or ‘clumps of cells.’ The more developed, the higher the price. It is a business to them.
    Don’t give an inch on it, folks.


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