Report: U.S. Attorney Urges Charges Against Andrew McCabe – IOTW Report

Report: U.S. Attorney Urges Charges Against Andrew McCabe


U.S. Attorney Jessie Liu recommended moving forward with charges against former FBI Director Andrew McCabe, according to a report released Thursday.

Fox News reported Thursday that a source close to McCabe’s legal team said that they have received an email from the Department of Justice (DOJ), which reportedly said that the agency rejected their appeal.

The email reportedly read, “The Department rejected your appeal of the United States Attorney’s Office’s decision in this matter. Any further inquiries should be directed to the United States Attorney’s Office.”

McCabe allegedly appealed the decision all the way up to Jeffrey Rosen, the deputy attorney general, but Rosen rejected that request.

Fox News reported that Liu has recommended moving forward with charges against McCabe. read more

14 Comments on Report: U.S. Attorney Urges Charges Against Andrew McCabe

  1. I’ll believe it when I see it. Is Trump complisant in the bull shit? WTF? How can we go with three years in office and no perp walks. Does Trump need a street fighter on his team? I’m available.

  2. Hey Anon #1927-00-80-,

    How fast do YOU operate? IOW what do you expect exactly the POTUS to do?? By when?

    Given what he is working with I think he’s doing quite right.

    Stop with the hyper ventilating.

    Please propose your street fighting plan?

  3. @Joe6pak – I am a Joe…six pack, btw.

    What if @BFH, oh my gosh, I will suggest, BAN anons on this site.

    What a revolting development that would be.

    Anons suck, like all NPC’s, no skin in the game…

    Sure, is the ‘Ghost’ an ‘anon’? Of course, but at least I can be judged and defended, hopefully not executed.

  4. ghost, there is only one ghost, just like joe6pak seems to be a singular identity. LocoBlancoSaltine, MJA, BFH, AA, B Brad, tRuth, hell you name it, we all sort of know each other. And then there is anonymous. How many chickenshit anonymouses are there? They pretend they are taking a higher road by maximizing their anonymous status. I picture them being like that married French guy that died having sex while on a work trip and having it called a workplace accident. Anonymous, yeah right.

  5. Given the moral framework of this cockroach he will likely be squealing like a pig about others to save his own ass. It could get interesting when the accusations begin to fly!

  6. I think it was andy who, when ousted stated that he would take everybody down with him. Expect to find him arkancided soon.
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell


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