Dem Debate: What Country Was Everyone Running For? It Certainly Was NOT The United States of America – IOTW Report

Dem Debate: What Country Was Everyone Running For? It Certainly Was NOT The United States of America


Did Americans watch the Democratic debate last night and think the group of ten people on stage were running for President of pretty much any country but the United States of America? From the desire for open borders, free healthcare, abolishing the second amendment and literally offering to hand out free money, no one was remotely close to supporting anything valued by Americans.

Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren doesn’t even think America needs Americans: “I start with a statement of principles, and that is, in this country, immigration does not make us weaker, immigration makes us stronger.” With the immigration policies Warren and her competitors propose, immigration doesn’t make us stronger, it makes us a country that no longer belongs to Americans. Warren Continued that she wanted a pathway for DREAMers and also “their grandparents and for their cousins, for people who have overstayed student visas, and for people who came here to work in the fields” in other words…anyone. keep reading

11 Comments on Dem Debate: What Country Was Everyone Running For? It Certainly Was NOT The United States of America

  1. Hey, give me some Yang bucks.
    GIMMIE GIMMIE GIMMIE.The whole lot
    of them are evil commie enemies of America.
    La Beta with gun confiscation,The Burn with FREE health
    care for everyone.

  2. …mostly, though, they just wanna be the boss of YOU. Not sure they really care or have thought about any details beyond that, but don’t worry, they’ll TELL you what to do when they’re good and ready…

  3. The Demwit presidential candidates are all globalists, just like Barry. They would treat this country like a whore and sell out the United States of America to the world at any price with no restraint.

  4. We are watching the biggest, frickin Bait & Switch routine in this Nations’s history!! Everything’s FREE! until it has to be paid for, then all the “promises” go out the window!
    Just ask the Black Plantation how that democRAT Snake-Oil’s been working out for them for the past HALF-CENTURY!


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