Condoleezza Rice Shuts Down Savannah Guthrie When Asked if Russia Elected Trump – IOTW Report

Condoleezza Rice Shuts Down Savannah Guthrie When Asked if Russia Elected Trump


With her standard poise and grace, Former Secretary of State under George W. Bush shut down an NBC anchor brilliantly. While on a media tour promoting her new book To Build a Better World: Choices to End the Cold War and Create a Global Commonwealth, Rice joined Savannah Guthrie on NBC’s “Today” show.

During the interview, while on the topic of Russia, Guthrie asked “Do you think it’s possible that Russia’s election interference worked? It actually elected Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton?”

Rice’s response is exactly what we all should have been saying since day one to shut down the ridiculous narrative coming from the left that Russia elected Trump. more here

6 Comments on Condoleezza Rice Shuts Down Savannah Guthrie When Asked if Russia Elected Trump

  1. What’s with these MSM dopes who think
    they’re smart because they’re part of the
    MSM ?!

    Condi Rice could outwit everyone of them

    Not one of them has the intellectual capacity
    to compete with any actual intelligent person
    much less a genius named

    Condoleezza Rice.


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