15 Months Before Gun Seizure Vow, Beto O’Rourke Said AR-15 Owners Could Keep Guns – IOTW Report

15 Months Before Gun Seizure Vow, Beto O’Rourke Said AR-15 Owners Could Keep Guns

Epoch Times:

A year before he said, “Hell yes, we’re gonna take your AR-15,” Beto O’Rourke promised gun owners that they could keep their firearms if they already had them.

Appearing on “The Chad Hasty Show” in April 2018, O’Rourke was pressed over his gun control plans.

“I own an AR-15. A lot of our listeners out there own AR-15s. Why should they not have one?” the host asked.

“To be clear, they should have them,” O’Rourke responded. “If you purchased that AR-15, if you own it, keep it. Continue to use it responsibly.”

O’Rourke said that Texans “so jealously guard the Second Amendment” but “also have a really deep understanding of gun safety.”

“Doesn’t that punish the responsible gun owner?” asked Hasty. “Isn’t it punishing the good guys who are out there, the majority?”

“I don’t think so, and again, we support the Second Amendment. If you own a gun, keep that gun. Nobody wants to take it away from you—at least I don’t want to do that,” O’Rourke responded.

O’Rourke was a candidate for U.S. Senate at the time. He lost to incumbent Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas).

O’Rourke has ramped up his push to ban some guns in recent weeks, citing the mass shooting in El Paso, part of the district he represented as a U.S. representative.

Moderator David Muir asked him at the debate on Sept. 12 whether his proposed gun seizure would be mandatory and O’Rourke then replied, “Hell yes.” read more

10 Comments on 15 Months Before Gun Seizure Vow, Beto O’Rourke Said AR-15 Owners Could Keep Guns

  1. Did anyone believe him then?

    No one on the Left will be satisfied until our laws are at least as restricting as the UK’s laws are.

    Or Mexico’s, where there is a de facto total gun ban for the Mexican people and only one gun store in the entire country for the very few special people that manage to get government position to own one, and we all know how well that is working out for them.

    Any Democrat that says differently is flat out lying to you and thinking you’re too stupid to realize it.

  2. Whine Williams on the Five said little Robby Francis had an epiphany after the El Paso WalMart shooting & it really affected him

    yeah, it’s called ‘how to use a tragedy to pander for votes’ … particularly w/ a dumb-assed college crowd

  3. He is taking one for the team – knows he has no chance for Pres so he is being obnoxiously extreme on guns so that the other less extreme Dems will be perceived as being “moderate” and their creeping confiscation as “common sense”
    He is also a distraction from the immigration & health care bullshit they are peddling

  4. Bobby Francis is an intellectual DUD. He’s probably in AOCs league, swatting at 90 IQ FASTBALLS and putting up a lot of whiffs and a few foul tips.

    She had the Indian guy for a brain substitute, he has to rely on his own simple mind. Money often leads to very sharp dad connecting with gorgeous bimbo mom and producing something like… Beto. Not saying that is the definite story, but the feel is there. He’s not a sharp knife.

    It’s one of the ways the universe levels us. Hell, if sharp dad bred sharp woman they might have made autistic babies. All depends on the mix.

    Entitled little barsid is what I see in Bob Frank. Unlike the Kennedys who managed to avoid fetal alcohol syndrome until Caroline, the O’Rourkes (sp) threw a pretty mediocre product right off the bat. Absent the entitlement he might make a good plant assistant superintendent or some mid level corporate stooge.

    Well, enough beating on little Bobby.

  5. You know, today would be a good day to work a few of the oldest guns I have at the range.

    Just to let them know I still love them and will never abandon them.

    Maybe dig out my original rabbit killer Dad bought for himself at a Montgomery Wards when he was 13. A .22lr bolt action with a 7 round magazine. The first one I ever fired – 6 years old.


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