Doctor Who Had Fetal Remains in Home Performed Abortions on 10-Year-Old, 13-Year-Old – IOTW Report

Doctor Who Had Fetal Remains in Home Performed Abortions on 10-Year-Old, 13-Year-Old

Board members also said they were disturbed that Klopfer didn’t give pain medication to all women, only automatically to those under the age of 16 and then to adults who could pay him extra money. When he did give the medication to women, his staff weren’t qualified to follow best practices for the drugs.

Epoch Times:

The doctor who had thousands of fetal remains at his house performed abortions on girls as young as 10 years old.

Dr. Ulrich Klopfer died on Sept. 3. An attorney representing his family told authorities they found the fetal remains while looking through his house in Illinois after the death.

Approximately 2,246 medically preserved remains were found.

Klopfer, who used to perform abortions in Indiana, once performed abortions on a 10-year-old girl and a 13-year-old girl. read more

18 Comments on Doctor Who Had Fetal Remains in Home Performed Abortions on 10-Year-Old, 13-Year-Old

  1. “This is the kind of man Buttigieg is. He defended Klopfer when his license was under attack. He provided the administrative firepower necessary to overturn a zoning decision that would have put a pro-life pregnancy center next door to Klopfer. And he thinks a child still attached to the umbilical cord can be legally killed because it isn’t yet breathing.”

  2. When I was back in school a few years ago my best school buddy was a young lady of 18-19. She broke her arm. When she went for an X-ray she was asked if there was a chance that she might be pregnant. Since my friend was a “good girl,” she was rather perturbed by the question. The X-ray tech picked up on that and explained, “We have to ask that of any girl nine years old or older.”

  3. I’m confused by his designation as “doctor”. The hippocratic oath states ‘first, do no harm.’ This monster did nothing but harm, murder and maim on a scale of Josef Mengele. And kept his victims as trophies.

    The sickness of the left is revolting to any normal human being.

  4. *sing-song voice*
    This guy was clearly s a t a n i c .

    Forgot political parties, left or right. Forget them.
    Forget even the arguments about the morality of abortion itself.

    People who identify as democratic and beyond, I have a question for you.
    Do you believe that it’s right for a TEN year old girl to have an abortion? The strain of birth on a small child is already TERRIBLE, but the trauma of the act of abortion is just undeniably damaging.

    Do you believe that this TEN year old CHILD was impregnated by someone her own age? No way in HELL. 99 percent chance this poor kid was raped. And was this reported? NO.

    Did the butcher who kept PIECES of human babies in his home as a hobby report it? OF COURSE NOT.

    Do you honestly believe that standing by the far left is beneficial to anyone of any moral standing?

    For the love of humanity. Take back your party. Stop being complacent and OUST the progressives and the communists. Do the right thing.

    Protect the innocent and stop the perversion of the left.

  5. I am wondering if he labeled the remains with the name of the mother, therefore doxing the women after his death. He had to know that his trophy stash would be found after he died. Some abortionist BLAME the women for what the abortionist did.

    Also, There should be a mass burial of those babies and a service or Mass. when Joe Scheidler’s people found over 2k babies on a loading dock in Chicago, they pushed then Cardinal Bernadine to provide space in a Catholic cemetary for the babies and either held a service or a Mass for the burial.


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