[Not the president] Hillary Clinton’s CREW harass President Trump from the sideline – IOTW Report

[Not the president] Hillary Clinton’s CREW harass President Trump from the sideline

“I’m Not President.” SAY IT, HILLARY!!!

Epoch Times:
A federal appeals court overturned a ruling by a lower court, ruling on Sept. 13 that a lawsuit against President Donald Trump can proceed.

Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW), a nonprofit watchdog started by former Hillary Clinton ally David Brock, filed a suit with three other plaintiffs against Trump, alleging he was violating the Constitution’s emoluments clauses by not putting all his business assets into a blind trust. more here

SNIP: Oh wow. ‘responsibility and ethics’, a blind trust. The balls on that bitch.

This is why she’s not the president.
Did I mention she’s not the president?
Because, she’s not.

13 Comments on [Not the president] Hillary Clinton’s CREW harass President Trump from the sideline

  1. She is not the president. And thank God, too! She’s so completely obsessed with the American presidency. What a pitiful rank for anyone to think it is the pinnacle of human achievement.

  2. “This is why she’s not the president.
    Did I mention she’s not the president?”

    …while I do like to read those words, it’s also worth noting that she’s not the Prisoner.

    Every day she walks free is an affront to Justice and demoralizes those who would oppose her and her evil, and emboldens those that would support her.

    Every day is another day she can try to undermine and overthrow the President of the United States.

    In pre-Christian tribal societies, challenges to the Chief were always death matches, with the loser either dying in combat or executed afterwards. This prevented a future challenge to the Chief’s authority from that quarter, and discoraged others from trying.

    This is why that’s a good idea.

    …seems to me that Hillary’s merely delayed, NOT denied. Her, or one of the OTHER puppets who will do the same thing.

    After all, why NOT lie, cheat, steal, murder, fraud, and commit treason against the United States in the service of the Democrats’ now openly Communist goals?

    …it’s not like there are any CONSEQUENCES, or anything…

  3. George Washington, soon to be erased from history, was a prominent coastal trader, cotton exporter, the largest whiskey distiller in America and local meat supplier. Progressives, a sub human genetic humanoid, would make it impossible for successful men to run for office. They would create a Mandarin class of parasites who run for office to attain power and wealth. F ’em.

  4. Hillary makes Ma Barker look like a piker. She’s never without her criminal gang of henchmen like David Brock the diseased faggot who completely morphed into one of the slimiest pukes on the left. Initiating a baseless lawsuit against the President simply to harass him with the willing assistance of some leftist judges.
    The only thing that’ll stop this is to throw some back at them, how hard could it be to find some dirt on a fudge packer?

  5. Thank the good Lord the US dodged that bullet. One problem we have is that career politicians do not understand how business works. Large development project require multiple investors/ partnerships and finance. Trump’s financials are probably very difficult to understand, particularly by the dumbasses in Congress. Hotel revenues, for example, do not go directly into Trump’s pocket. The Hotel in Ireland gave the US Govt employees below market room rates. I hate democrats.

  6. Supernightshade

    Let me refresh your memory, specifically 10/16, then you may understand why she will forever be free! the GOP part of the UNIPARTY (Naming SOME Names: All 8 bush Clan, Karl Marx er Rove) told us to vote Clinton. She is part of the UNIPARTY. When GWB is in jail – then she should worry! But GWB’s BFF BHO has stood by him for years and will continue to protect him; and he (GWB) will continue to protect her!



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