The famous Merriam-Webster dictionary has added a definition of “they” in order to reflect “the word’s increased usage as a pronoun that refers to those who conceive of themselves as neither male nor female” reported the National Review.
In an announcement from the official twitter account, Merriam-Webster wrote: “The nonbinary pronoun ‘they’ has been added to the dictionary” with an online link to the definitions. The newly added fourth definition reads: “- used to refer to a single person whose gender identity is nonbinary.” more here
Yea, so?
Evidently they have so damaged their reputation that they need to embrace such gimmickry to try to remain relevant.
Who is they? They is they! So said They!
They: A perceived delusion of multiplicity of those who are seriously mentally ill.
Control the language, control the discussion.
Control the discussion, control the people.
They probably had to do it to keep from getting locked out of Google search results.
You WILL bake the cake, Merriam-Webster. One way or another.
We will soon be adding nonsense to the definition dictionary.
I got no problem with them legitimizing my use of referring to those people as they.
As in -who’s mentally disturbed?-
-they are-
they is idiots
if the truly insane Left wants any Sympathy from me, well it’s right there in the dictionary between TOUGH and SHIT.
Dictionary: a item once used worldwide until losing its intended purpose.
“It” would be more suitable since it can’t decide which gender it is.
Did anyone ever figure out what sex or gender Cousin It was on the Addams Family?
Americans need to learn that “non-binary” applies to political parties as well.
My suggestion: just use the pronoun “one”. It still sounds odd, and it still is contemptuous of science and common sense, but at least it’s not as devastating to English grammar.