‘Medical Situation’ in Pittsburgh: 3 Dead, 4 Hospitalized, All Wore Orange Wrist Bands – IOTW Report

‘Medical Situation’ in Pittsburgh: 3 Dead, 4 Hospitalized, All Wore Orange Wrist Bands

Western Journalism:

— According to the blotter, five of the men were found in the same apartment in the SouthSide Works City Apartments. Another was in an elevator in a nearby building. Another was found on the street corner of 26th and Carson streets.

While the event is being described as a “medical situation,” two particular details do stand out.

First, all the victims were wearing orange paper wrist bands of the kind commonly used at clubs or concerts. more

24 Comments on ‘Medical Situation’ in Pittsburgh: 3 Dead, 4 Hospitalized, All Wore Orange Wrist Bands

  1. In a world of strange news reporting, this is very strange. The police know where the orange wrist bands came from but aren’t naming the club. It’s pretty obvious the people who died or were hospitalized were OD’d but they’re calling it a “medical situation”. Okay, who is the celebrity or Democrat(s) involved?

  2. If we apply the same logic to these “clubs” as we do guns, then the death per unit is astronomically higher for the clubs. And I mean the immediate deaths (in this case) or behavior learned at these clubs that later cause death.
    And yet, the Progs want to ban guns. Never a mention to shutting down these dens of designer drugs that kill far more.
    Drugs and hedonistic lifestyle – GOOD
    Guns and Constitution -BAD

  3. As far as I can tell the only people law enforcement “serve” in this country anymore are the bad guys. If you have your house broken into, your car vandalized, if you’re assaulted — the 911 operator tells you to file a complaint. But if you’re a drug-addled lunatic, a drunk sleeping on the sidewalk in a (stolen) sleeping bag, or a meth head speeding down the road on a $1,500. bicycle they’ll send at least four units to help you navigate the social services agencies.

  4. @Joe — I guess I am feeling very pessimistic about a couple of things lately: this so-called “transgender dysphoria” and the molly-coddling of drug addicts by people in places like Seattle (and by most of the cities in this country). I shared some of those YT videos from Heritage’s transgender panel and he said he finished feeling anxious, very disturbed and helpless about it. I feel the same way about how cities are dealing with so-called “homeless” people who are drug addicted and nuts. We spend so much time, energy and taxes on them, and for what? There’s no solution because the real problems are ignored because they’re too un-PC.


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