DC: Climate Alarmists save the planet by twerking, lighting fires and forcing cars to idle – IOTW Report

DC: Climate Alarmists save the planet by twerking, lighting fires and forcing cars to idle


A couple dozen left-wing environmental groups in Washington, DC, claim they are saving the planet by lighting garbage on fire and forcing automobiles to sit idle.

According to the event’s own Facebook page, the goal is to “block key infrastructure to stop business-as-usual, bringing the whole city to a gridlocked standstill.”

But who are these people, really? Degenerate litterbugs determined to create even more pollution.

Thanks to these brave warriors fighting for their precious Mother Earth, thousands of cars are spewing tons of exhaust into the air that wouldn’t have if these enviro-crybabies had real jobs. Here’s an official rundown of all the traffic that’s been blocked.

And if that’s not bad enough, they’re lighting garbage on fire…

13 Comments on DC: Climate Alarmists save the planet by twerking, lighting fires and forcing cars to idle

  1. They dumped an a pink and yellow painted sailboat at the intersection of 16th and K street from local news reports.

    If you are lobbying for a cause, don’t inconvenience the deep state.

    They did themselves no favors today.

  2. They are given three warnings to stop blocking traffic before they are arrested. Like lenient parents that count down from three and never apply punishment.
    19 were arrested. Probably ushered out the back door.

  3. Actually, maybe a lot of the cars weren’t really idling.
    Remember that many new cars have the idiotic “run stop technology “ where the vehicle engine shuts down when the brake is depressed while waiting at a light and the engine gets started again (in theory) when the foot is removed from the brake pedal and placed on the accelerator. Thanks to the idiots, there is a separate starter action, which starts the engine while in drive placing strain on the starter and battery while the driver has been subjected to a shut down engine and no air conditioning. For now, there is an override switch to shutdown the run stop, which has to be shut off every time you get in and start your car.

  4. You have to hand it to the global ruling class. They managed to brainwash a legion of stupid assholes who think they’re “rebels” against the ruling class to run around pushing the exact agenda the ruling class wants by hassling average, everyday people. Seriously, these worthless dumb fucks need to be run over with semis. They are utterly fucking worthless.


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