New Toots Sweet “NRA SONG” – IOTW Report

New Toots Sweet “NRA SONG”

About Mr.Pinko 686 Articles
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8 Comments on New Toots Sweet “NRA SONG”

  1. There was a road rage incident on the highway right down from the entrance of my neighborhood today. Someone beat a man to the point that he was lying on the ground at the side of the highway. I suspect the beaten man thought he’d reason with the perp but it didn’t work out that way. The perp was arrested and the injured man went to the hospital. I’m always prepared to instantly change the attitude of aggressive people who might do me harm. I will never attempt to reason with someone who appears aggressive and is approaching me. If they don’t instantly retreat when I display my attitude changer, it’s Katy bar the door.

  2. Time will tell. One thing is for certain, they keep trying. The attempted coup continues,Comey and McCabe unindicted,Podesta off the hook.
    When are we going to stop playing defense?


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