Hunter Biden’s Business Partner Saw Ukraine Deal As Conflict Of Interest – IOTW Report

Hunter Biden’s Business Partner Saw Ukraine Deal As Conflict Of Interest

OAN: As the Biden-Ukraine scandal continues to take off, new attention is turning to a member of Hunter Biden’s former company.

One America’s Jack Posobiec spoke to the CEO of American Majority to break down the latest.

6 Comments on Hunter Biden’s Business Partner Saw Ukraine Deal As Conflict Of Interest

  1. Apparently this is what is now normal for the folks in Washington, make money anyway you want, no one is going to jail you, unless your a republican or outsider. No wonder they spend so much money getting into office. Tiring BS.

  2. Blah blah blah nevermind all that. Defiant Trump Defiant Trump Defiant Trump Defiant Trump Defiant Trump Defiant Trump Defiant Trump Defiant Trump Defiant Trump Defiant Trump Defiant Trump Defiant Trump Defiant Trump Defiant Trump Defiant Trump Defiant Trump Defiant Trump Defiant Trump Defiant Trump Defiant Trump Defiant Trump Defiant Trump Defiant Trump Defiant Trump Defiant Trump Defiant Trump Defiant Trump Defiant Trump Defiant Trump Defiant Trump and that’s it for the news today, goodnight.

  3. Biden is not going to be prosecuted, probably not investigated, for anything.

    Neither is his son.

    So quit wasting time concentrating on it and get ready to defend Trump from impeachment. The Democrats and anti-Trump Republicans see the Ukraine call Transcript as a “smoking gun” that proves all sorts of criminal actions by Trump and they will pursue criminal impeachment charges against him to either remove him from office or defeat him in the next election.

  4. Contrarian point of view …. The Democrats know that all the dirt will come out on Biden and his criminal son. This is their way of removing him from the candidate pool, since Biden will not leave gracefully. He has to be forced out, an ignominious end to his career.


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