Mitt Romney adviser sits on Burisma board of directors – IOTW Report

Mitt Romney adviser sits on Burisma board of directors

American Thinker:

Well, this is certainly an odd coincidence!  In fact, when you dig in, you find an amazing series of coincidences…if you believe in coincidences when the CIA is involved, that is.

Mitt Romney’s national security adviser in his 2012 campaign — a career CIA spook who rose to its top levels — sits on the board of directors of Burisma, the Ukrainian gas company that formerly paid Hunter Biden $50K a month despite his complete lack of credentials or qualifications.

It is also an odd coincidence that Mitt has, as CNN puts it, “been a lone Republican voice expressing concern about President Donald Trump’s July phone call with Volodymyr Zelensky in which Trump asked Ukraine’s President to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden and his family.”

Still more oddly coincidental is the background of Mitt’s adviser deep in the CIA, part of the Intelligence Community that has “six ways from Sunday” in foiling a mere president who might oppose it, according to Chuck Schumer. more

14 Comments on Mitt Romney adviser sits on Burisma board of directors

  1. We should not expect to “get to the bottom” of any of this as long as our entire oxymoronic “intelligence community” is corrupt from top to bottom. The old foxes guarding the hen house, as it were.

    How long have we all know about Soros and his dark money pulling the strings? Only about a decade or more, now.

  2. Was the whistle blower planted in the White House by John Brennan? If so, President Trump had only US deplorables to
    support him. He needs our support, prayers, and donations.

  3. Is there a day of the week when our CIA isn’t threatening or entrapping innocent Americans?

    Is there a month where the FBI isn’t colluding with foreign terrorists on our soil and letting them walk around freely until such time that they do something, let a big media consternation hijack the story into a gun control argument and then admit they knew about them but cleared them of any unusual activity?

    More swamp draining please. Our “protectors” can’t be trusted. Top to bottom. If they were honest, they would be doing something else.

    Come to think of it, “Top To Bottom” might be a good name for the new Shep Smith & Judge Nap nightly circle jerk.

  4. Beware Salty Anons running fake Make America Great Again donation sites. Some one are known to have dnc ops running DEEP DEEP DEEP inside a RINO front. Very twisted.
    Four(3+1) of these fake MAGAs said on AIR “F___ Trump” about a week or two and three ago. On the Record.
    Do not approach or have anything to do with them.
    They are a DANGER to anyone they interact with.
    And See, Spot and Ignore Salty Anon Trolls.
    And watch their Likers, too.

  5. I have never liked Romney. When he showed up on the national scene during the Atlanta Olympics I saw right through the dirty bastard’s phony baloney persona and have never wavered in my contempt for the piece of shit.

  6. Mitt has always been a Rove tool. I voted for a Rove tool ONCE 1988! In ’04 I VOTED AGAINST JFK, NOT FOR THE ROVE TOOL! Rove/Mitt are validating my votes of the last 29 years.

    for clarity I did not vote for the leftist in ’04! I voted against a worse lib!


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