‘Joker’ Director gets his own taste of Liberal derangement – IOTW Report

‘Joker’ Director gets his own taste of Liberal derangement


With Joker set to debut in movie theaters nationwide one week from today, hysteria driven by the far-left has caused a panic over the movie and its supposed glorification of terrorist violence.

“As Hannah Arendt saw banality in the supposed evil of the Nazi Adolf Eichmann, I see in Joker an attempt to elevate nerdy revenge to the plane of myth. That’s scary on a lot of different levels,” wrote movie critic David Edelstein in Vulture about Joker.

“In America, there’s a mass shooting or attempted act of violence by a guy like Arthur practically every other week. And yet we’re supposed to feel some sympathy for Arthur, the troubled lamb; he just hasn’t had enough love,” wrote film critic Stephanie Zacharek for Time Magazine.

However, the film’s director Todd Phillips believes that criticism of his film is wholly undeserved and another example of outrage culture run amok.

“We didn’t make the movie to push buttons,” Phillips said to the Wrap. “I literally described to Joaquin at one point in those three months as like, ‘Look at this as a way to sneak a real movie in the studio system under the guise of a comic book film’. It wasn’t, ‘We want to glorify this behavior.’ It was literally like ‘Let’s make a real movie with a real budget and we’ll call it f–ing Joker’. That’s what it was. “

The backlash has opened Phillips’ eyes about the hostile nature of the far-left, and their intolerance toward anything that offends their delicate sensibilities.

“I think it’s because outrage is a commodity, I think it’s something that has been a commodity for a while,” he said. “What’s outstanding to me in this discourse in this movie is how easily the far left can sound like the far right when it suits their agenda. It’s really been eye opening for me.” more

SNIP: Eye roll.

18 Comments on ‘Joker’ Director gets his own taste of Liberal derangement

  1. *Liberalism* is the guise for fascism, by controlling speech. That said:fuck yiu, you cocksucking, cross-dressing, miserable feminist, pedophile, dyke sick symptoms of the obama/democrat disease.

  2. Normal person: If I don’t like the theme of a movie, I just won’t watch it.

    Maniacal busybody assholes who run everything these days:

    If I don’t like the theme of a movie, nobody should watch it an anybody involved in it should lose their jobs, be bankrupted, and scorned and hated forever!!!

  3. “I literally described to Joaquin at one point in those three months as like,…”

    English is hard. Thumb typing is the refuge of the illiterate and ill spoke. We will know you by your language, and you will be left behind.

  4. @ gin b lossom,
    or muzzy perhaps…
    @ Lowell,
    Yes, I too read that twice thinking I had dropped something.
    “The first stage in the corruption of morals is the banishment of truth …”

    Michel de Montaigne

  5. LCD, I will choose to totally ignore it. I am so sick of superhero movies and super villain/criminal movies anymore that I could care less. And I grew up on the old Batman, Superman, Captain America etc. Let’s hope that Joaquin Phoenix doesn’t end up like Heath Ledger did or his brother River Phoenix did both commiting suicide.

  6. Their being offended by the movie is a pretty good signal I might like it.

    You can bet just about everything about any of us also offends them and if they ever manage to take away our guns, and ammo. They will scheme to end us too.

  7. I don’t see Holly wood movies anymore unless they are independent films featuring conservative actors I enjoy watching in a story that uplifts.

    LA LA LA LA — I can’t hear you!

  8. WB said:

    Make no mistake: neither the fictional character Joker, nor the film, is an endorsement of real world violence of any kind. It is not the intention of the film, the filmmakers or the studio to hold this character up as a hero.

    They make a violent movie and say it has no relevance to reality. Then what is the point of it, other than to make people upset, angry, fearful, or disgusted? All of these are very negative emotions. Why make people feel worse than they already do?

    I do not see the point of most “entertainment” anymore.


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