LeftMedia: Stop Saying Ilhan Omar’s scam marriage is a scam – IOTW Report

LeftMedia: Stop Saying Ilhan Omar’s scam marriage is a scam

Some people wrote something.


This past July Washington Free Beacon’s Brent Scher took a look at the media fact-check component of Ilhan Omar’s persistent stand by her sham in Ilhan Omar Marriage Flummoxes Media Fact-Checkers” Subhead: “The ‘baseless smear’ that can’t be debunked” I posted Brent’s column on Power Line with a brief preface in “Rep. Omar would prefer not to.”

The Daily Beast’s Will Sommer appeared with a pathetic specimen “How the Ilhan Omar Marriage Smear Went From Fever Swamp to Trump.” I evaluated Sommer’s specimen in “Daily Mail versus Daily Beast.”

Although this was the least of it, Sommer was unable even to get the year of Rathergate right; he located it in 2000 rather than 2004. Sommer obviously started with the conclusion that the question whether Omar married her brother is a “smear” that crawled out of the “fever swamp” and wrote a story to fit.

When Omar deleted the 2013 tweet thanking Allah for her father “Nur Said” last week Brent recanvassed the fact-checkers in “Fact-Checkers Decline to Revisit Ilhan Omar Marriage Question.” The talkative Sommer isn’t giving up. He responded to Brent. Here is Brent’s account: READ MORE

7 Comments on LeftMedia: Stop Saying Ilhan Omar’s scam marriage is a scam

  1. Compared to the sham marriage of Barry the fairy to Big Mike, this woman marrying her brother is no big deal. Speaking of weird marriages, does anyone know why the Obamas took the bidet out of the First Lady’s bathroom and put in a urinal?


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