Corey Booker Is Bleeding Cash – IOTW Report

Corey Booker Is Bleeding Cash

Time Running Out for Big-Spending Booker

WFB: N.J. senator needs $1.7M to stay afloat, spent $1.6M in second quarter on payroll alone.

Democratic presidential candidate Cory Booker is well short of his $1.7 million fundraising goal just days before his campaign’s self-imposed deadline to stay in the presidential race.

Booker issued a plea for campaign cash with 10 days to go before the end of the third quarter fundraising period, promising to drop out of the 2020 Democratic presidential primary if he failed to raise $1.7 million by Sept. 30. Booker’s campaign site shows the New Jersey senator remained about 10 percent shy of the target on Saturday night. He must raise $170,000 within the next 24 hours to meet the deadline. Booker acknowledged his fundraising woes in an interview with the New Yorker released Saturday, boasting about the sympathy donations he has elicited from supporters of his 2020 rivals.

“When I was walking through the Iowa steak fry, as a vegan—we put out there that we were not going to campaign if we couldn’t raise money,” Booker said. “I had people in other T-shirts—other candidates’ T-shirts—saying, ‘Oh, I’m an X-person supporter, but need you in this race, man! I gave you five bucks.'” read more

25 Comments on Corey Booker Is Bleeding Cash

  1. He really should have thought threw the whole “I am Spartacus” thing… … …. spoilers… …. …. it does not end well for Spartacus.

    Also, on a more happy note- looks like the nation and even the Democrat party is 100% done with the affirmative action nomination. Well, at least for a black person that self identifies as a male.

    It’s a great time to be alive my friends.

  2. It is only because of LOSERS like jon bonjovi who donate millions to this POS that he is even still in the clown-car.

    hopefully JB will suffer the same fate as spartacus booker.

  3. Is it even remotely possible that the Demographic-Socialist-Homosexualists Party has figured out that the voters don’t want another queer, colored, phony fundamental transformer wrecking what’s left of this country? Apparently they’ve discovered that the voters really want a phony fundamental transformer with high cheekbones and proven Bolshevik economic sensibilities. I can’t believe that this is the last of Sharkeye Spartacus. He’s about to display his gladiatorial prowess in the upcoming Impeachment Circus Maximus.

  4. OT

    Sharpton has lost his dream of the Island Life and retirement. He announced today his indentured servitude contract to his DNC KKK Overlords still has 2 or 3 or more years to go. Will he make it?

    Servant Labor
    An indentured servant or indentured laborer is an employee within a system of unfree labor who is bound by a signed or forced contract to work for a particular employer for a fixed time. The contract often lets the employer sell the labor of an indenturee to a third party. Indenturees usually enter into an indenture for a specific payment or other benefit, or to meet a legal obligation, such as debt bondage.

  5. “$1.6M in second quarter on payroll alone.”
    Yo prob’ly home niggas an’ relitives sho ’nuff!

    I used ebonics translator for, “probably home boys and relatives”. I claim no responsibility for translation.

  6. Absurd News Flash! Spartacus Booker has rounded up enough money to stay in the Clown Car through the next debate. This means that there will not be a premature end to the insufferable Sharkeyed Savior for another month or so.


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