GOP Rep Releases Video of ‘Hypocrite’ Schiff Eager for Dirt on Trump During Prank Call – IOTW Report

GOP Rep Releases Video of ‘Hypocrite’ Schiff Eager for Dirt on Trump During Prank Call


It was not long ago—in 2018—that Rep. Adam Schiff was pranked called by Russian comedians who convinced him he was speaking to Ukrianian politician Andriy Parubiy and had dirt on President Trump.

Specifically, Schiff was told there were nude photos of the president from a trip he made to Russia during the Miss Universe pageant in 2013.  

The now Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee seemed eager to accept the dirt. 

“So, you have recordings of both [Russian journalist Ksenia] Sobchak and [Russian model and singer Olga] Buzova where they’re discussing the compromising material on Mr. Trump?” Schiff asked on the call. 

“Absolutely,” one of the pranksters responded.

“Well obviously we would welcome a chance to get copies of those recordings,” he said later during the conversation.

While his office claimed it suspected the call was bogusThe Daily Mail reported that a member of his staff “engaged in correspondence with what they thought was a Ukrainian politician to try to obtain the ‘classified’ material promised on the call.”

Enter Rep. Matt Gaetz, who isn’t letting Schiff forget about the incident.

In a video posted on Twitter Sunday, Gaetz called out the chairman for being a hypocrite. 

4 Comments on GOP Rep Releases Video of ‘Hypocrite’ Schiff Eager for Dirt on Trump During Prank Call

  1. At the next and every hearing on impeachment instead of a opening statement the Republicans should just play this soundbite. Watch Shitt try to crawl under his seat. Scrawny pencil neck bug eyed traitorous prick!

  2. When the Trump admin investigates real crimes, the left thinks that’s a scandal.

    When the fbi, doj, and democrats in congress investigate phony crimes with no evidence, they think they’re saving the republic.

    This is all an effort to not only take down trump, but to cover up the real crimes that went on by their side in the election.

    They purchased phony info from russia and used it to get fisa warrants.
    If that crime goes unpunished, i say FUCK this country.


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