Candace Owens Presents ‘Step-by-Step Guide’ to Preventing Family Separations – IOTW Report

Candace Owens Presents ‘Step-by-Step Guide’ to Preventing Family Separations

Conservative commentator and Blexit movement leader Candace Owens has posted a guide to avoiding government separate of family members.

On Saturday, Owens posted her step-by-step advice on Twitter:

12 Comments on Candace Owens Presents ‘Step-by-Step Guide’ to Preventing Family Separations

  1. This is a slap in the face of those that are true victims of an overly aggressive, and unlawful domestic terrorist organization known as Child Protective Services. I’ve seen it happen.

  2. Candace Owens made father absence the centerpiece of her crusade to get black Americans off the plantation. A huge percentage of absenteeism is caused by men breaking the law and serving time. I applaud her efforts. Brave woman!

  3. joe6pak, I was thinking about that. It’s too true. We have all heard the stories and I remember you telling about your experience with CPS. Like almost anything, there are exceptions and this is one of them.

    Otherwise, her point is valid for some fatherless families in the black community. It also applies to illegal aliens bringing children over the border.

  4. Claudia, yes you are right about fatherless families, and so is Candace Owens. I am a fan of hers. Her tweet was just so overly simplified that I commented the first thought that came to mind, and it was instant. No doubt others responded similarly.

  5. Joe6pak, I agree it was overly simplified and you need to make your concerns known. It’s a reality in our increasingly corrupt government. Only as we (President Trump and US) ‘drain the swamp’ and bring back the rule of law and limited government, will this improve. Keep talking and God bless you.

  6. The adversarial relationship between States and families is no greater than it is in The Soviet State of Washington where they know better than ALL parents.

    Shut it down.

  7. Did anyone else read the comments at cnsnews? I truly enjoyed nobody responding to brockwad or phukwad or whatever….. don’t feed the troll…
    “The first stage in the corruption of morals is the banishment of truth …”
    Michel de Montaigne

  8. @ Crackerbaby

    Actually, I did respond to that dope as follows:

    “There is no need to separate – the mother just needs to obey the law and she won’t be separated. The Govt. separates women from their children all the time, every day when said women break the law.”


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