The Liberals’ Covert Green Plan for Canada – Poverty and Dictatorship – IOTW Report

The Liberals’ Covert Green Plan for Canada – Poverty and Dictatorship


by Allan M.R. MacRae

A highly credible gentleman wrote me as follows, concerning his recent conversation with an Ottawa insider.

The insider, he said, had been working on an advisory group to the Trudeau government. The group was not formed to discuss policy for the 5 year horizon that governments are usually interested in but to develop policies for the further future, 20 to 40 years out. The implication was that the group had concluded that the present economic model was flawed and had to be replaced. “Unregulated consumerism was unsustainable and people would have to learn to make do with less. The government would have to have more control over people to enforce their austerity and the wealth of developed nations would have to be redistributed to help undeveloped nations.”

These are not new ideas. For decades, intellectuals and politicians have argued that our consumer society, based on individual market demand, is a flawed system that generates waste, excess and environmental degradation.

The insider’s assessment also reflects the current underlying motivation behind the rise of climate change as the defining issue of our time. The words reflect the motives of environmentalists and climate activists who are using the climate “emergency” as a front for larger political and ideological ambitions. What they are pursuing as an economic revolution ushered in through the back door. They are yelling fire and then using the resultant fear to impose a new economic and political order.

In a recent Washington Post report, one of the leading players in the rise of New York Democrat Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Green NewDeal let the cat out of the bag. Saikat Chakrabarti, chief of staff for Ocasio-Cortez, said:“The interesting thing about the Green New Deal, is it wasn’t originally a climate thing at all… Do you guys think of it as a climate thing? Because we really think of it as a how-do-you-change-the-entire-economy thing.”

Naomi Klein, in her new flamethrower, “On Fire, The Burning Case for a Green New Deal”, also makes it clear that the climate is a “powerful motivator” to overthrow capitalism. “The idea is a simple one: In the process of transforming the infrastructure of our societies at the speed and scale that scientists have called for, humanity has a once-in-a- century chance to fix an economic model that is failing the majority of people on multiple fronts. … Challenging these underlying forces is an opportunity to solve several interlocking crises at once.”

The clear intent is to use the global warming smokescreen to restrict economic and political freedoms by transforming Western countries into tightly controlled totalitarian states. read more

14 Comments on The Liberals’ Covert Green Plan for Canada – Poverty and Dictatorship

  1. Anonymous, that’s covered in the UN’s “agenda 21”.
    I would say “manageable population” would be unarmed, too small, and too terrified to butt heads with their masters, which is how tyrants like it.

  2. If we look at “failed capitalist systems,” we generally see that they fail because they really are not capitalist systems. Conversely, if we look at “successful socialist systems” such as Sweden, we find that they are somewhat successful because these systems rely on underlying capitalist principles to maintain their economies.

    Not even climate change alarmists believe that this dispute is about climate change. How do I know this? Because the alarmists are focusing on the United States and ignoring big polluters like China and India, because a transfer of wealth from successful countries to third world nations will do absolutely nothing for climate change, because there is no consensus that reducing carbon emissions will have a favorable impact on the world climate, and because there are no workable proposed solutions even if global warming was a threat.

    There is, however, plenty of evidence that socialism/capitalism is a horrible failure. But let’s look at something even more basic – do you think Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Joseph Biden, Justin Trudeau, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, etc. et al. know anything about designing and running a successful economy? Furthermore, all of these people have a record of hypocrisy, greed and corruption in their past, and if you think that they will share in your economic pain then I have swampland you may be interested in buying. Socialism/Communism will fail because the systems are inherently unworkable, and because the folks who propose to implement them are ignorant and corrupt.

  3. We’ve reached peak civilization, multiculturalism and globalism aren’t sustainable.
    It was a warm and fuzzy feeling while it lasted, but we’re just not that into each other.
    Now everyone needs to retreat back to their own clans, tribes and nations.
    All is not lost, we can still pretend to like each other on social media.

  4. Answerman; a report last week said over-population is a lie, that there is plenty more room the planet can support. What they ignore is what you said. People have reached beyond the level to get along. In fact people never could which is why there is one war after another. More people means more wars. And to import people who hate you is just plain stupid.

  5. that’s just GREAT! The CanoeHeads go all Socialist and then we’ll have to build a friggin’ Wall on our northern border too! Yeah, we speak the same language (esxcept for those Frog Quebecoises) but they sure as hell don’t know how to tip.

  6. @Answerman Cooper

    I keep asking myself what the heck do I have in common with US Liberals? Not much. Then I think about people in some African or Asian Shithole countries like Burkina Faso and I think what I have in common with them is even less.


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