State Department IG Called ‘Urgent’ Meeting To Share Months-Old News Stories – IOTW Report

State Department IG Called ‘Urgent’ Meeting To Share Months-Old News Stories

The briefing was a huge blow to Democrats.

Daily Caller: The State Department’s Inspector General shared a packet of months-old news stories and other Ukraine-related documents during an “urgent” briefing with Congressional staffers on Wednesday, sources told the Daily Caller.

Sources familiar with the meeting said the IG handed over a packet containing, among other old materials, news articles written this past spring by The Hill’s John Solomon about Democratic ties to Ukraine.

The packet was allegedly given to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in May and was intended to smear the former US ambassador to Ukraine. An administration official noted to the Caller that the packet was properly dealt with at the time, and questioned the “urgent” nature of the briefing. The IG announced the “urgent” meeting after Secretary of State Mike Pompeo accused House Democrats of trying to “bully” the State Department by requesting impeachment-related interviews with various officials.

“The matter is from four months ago. They’ve been sitting on it for four months. The urgent-ness of this seems a little contrived,” the official told the Caller. “This was handled the exact way it should have been. The information was turned over by a senior official to a career lawyer who then gave it to the IG. That was four months ago.”

The briefing was a huge blow to Democrats, who were expecting bombshell information regarding the Trump administration’s contact with Ukraine and investigations into former Vice President Joe Biden. In fact, several news outlets reported earlier in the day that the briefing would be about State Department leadership retaliating against career employees who wanted to cooperate with the Democrats’ investigation into Trump. more here

9 Comments on State Department IG Called ‘Urgent’ Meeting To Share Months-Old News Stories

  1. There was a big wind gust earlier today that had me wondering if there was a storm coming. Now I think it was just the Democrats having the wind knocked out of their sails.

  2. Just a suggestion: How’s about an Open Thread once in while?

    OT Alert: If you guys and dolls haven’t seen the two press opportunities of Trump and the Finnish President today, it will utterly make your day! I’ve never seen POTUS Trump go so red in the face (angry) and giving the D’s and U.S. media the business like he did today! CTH has both videos.


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