Trump to Protect U.S. Taxpayers from Subsidizing Health Care for Immigrants – IOTW Report

Trump to Protect U.S. Taxpayers from Subsidizing Health Care for Immigrants

Breitbart: President Trump signed a presidential proclamation on Friday to protect American taxpayers from being forced to subsidize the healthcare costs of legal immigrants wanting to permanently resettle in the United States.

In a new rule, beginning November 3, foreign nationals applying for visas — not including refugees, asylees, or those on nonimmigrant visas — will have to prove that they will have either employer-based health insurance before arriving in the U.S. or a non-subsidized private health insurance plan.

The proclamation reads:

While our healthcare system grapples with the challenges caused by uncompensated care, the United States Government is making the problem worse by admitting thousands of aliens who have not demonstrated any ability to pay for their healthcare costs. Notably, data show that lawful immigrants are about three times more likely than United States citizens to lack health insurance. Immigrants who enter this country should not further saddle our healthcare system, and subsequently American taxpayers, with higher costs.

The rule means that foreign nationals with serious health issues and no means to pay for health insurance will not be eligible to obtain visas to permanently begin resettling in the U.S. — saving American taxpayers billions in subsidized costs.

As noted by the White House, hospitals across the country have had to foot the bill for uninsured immigrants who arrived in the U.S. on visas despite being a financial burden on taxpayers. read more

8 Comments on Trump to Protect U.S. Taxpayers from Subsidizing Health Care for Immigrants

  1. The Leftists will find a way around this.

    Maybe a defeat in court, maybe in congress, maybe find a loophole somewhere or some other way of doing it.

    All I am pretty sure about is that it will not stand for long.

    But maybe I’m wrong, we should find out soon enough.

  2. By pretending the government has money of its own, the socialists push more and more on to the taxpayer. Paying for illegal’s healthcare amounts to spending part of your work day as a slave to foreigners. The money you earn is given to someone who didn’t earn it.


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