The Coup against Trump: Is John Brennan a Russian Agent? – IOTW Report

The Coup against Trump: Is John Brennan a Russian Agent?


WASHINGTON, DC: In the coming weeks, former CIA director John Brennan will be meeting with Attorney John Durham about the origins of the Russia Hoax. There can be no question that Brennan is at the center of the Obama White House campaign to use unconstitutional and extra-judicial means to target and destroy Donald Trump. There is little doubt that Brennan and his compatriots in the Deep State have done more damage to America than the Russians could ever do in 100 years. Obama, Clinton, and Brennan have much to answer for.

The questions will begin with Brennan.

Witting or unwitting, Brennan is a Russian asset

It is important to ask the right questions. To use his own terms while attacking the Trump administration, either wittingly or unwittingly, Brennan has consistently undermined the interests of the United States. He has directly undermined our Democracy. He and his cohorts in the CIA and the DOJ have spent the last three years staging an attempted coup to overthrow the government of the United States.

So, we must ask, is John Brennan actually a Russian Agent? 

The latest Whistleblower hoax from a CIA intelligence official with deep ties to the Democrat Party shows how the Deep State coup against Donald Trump continues unabated. Brennan’s obvious fear of the Barr and Durham investigation is because he is squarely in their crosshairs. read more

28 Comments on The Coup against Trump: Is John Brennan a Russian Agent?

  1. Saw him with Chuck Turd yesterday on TV.

    Chuck was unhinged and more emotional than Martha Raddatz.
    I enjoy watching these people cry on the Sunday morning news shows. Goes good with my morning coffee.

  2. He still has his Security Clearance, despite Trump demanding that it be revoked. Brennan will still have it when he is an Intel official under the next Dem President. These people are like intestinal parasites.

  3. No more than Kim Philby, Klaus Fuchs, Julius Rosenberg, or Aldrich Ames were spies for the Soviet Union. The real question is how did this man become head of the CIA? Who but fellow communists would have been pleased with Brennan in charge of the CIA?

  4. Answerman Cooper, I am hoping the same thing. At a bare minimum, he can’t claim to be a bystander in the current coup plot if he’s still got his club membership. And best case scenario is that he’s being monitored as to what he’s doing with that SC, because you know he’s using it for more than salary enhancement at his media gig.

  5. Geoff: Right you are about Hiss. Alger Hiss was considered by many people to be a victim of the McCarthy Era communist witch-hunts, right up until the Venona Secrets were released. Hiss was obviously identified as “Ales” in those decrypted Soviet transmissions. Hiss helped establish the United Nations in NYC. He should have been given the Rosenberg treatment for that alone.

  6. I agree with Answerman Cooper, Thirdtwin and everyone else calling for Brennan’s termination. If the USA does not stretch his neck, there is no hope for the USA. Not even God will intervene in the demise of the USA. God has given us a reprieve (a stock-up time) under Trump.

  7. Most of GWB’s boys were either KGB agents or their puppets! I’ve said many times, I am a life long anti Stalinist. I was not surprised, but very angry, when a KGB tool, exJarhead was made head of FBI by Bush. This KGB man is Mueller. Nothing is more “1984” than having a KGB man investigate Russian medling! Brennan, Clapper, Petraus… all are very friendly with Uncle Joe’s men!

  8. When I was in the Air Force, I was investigated by the FBI so that I could obtain a Top Secret Umbra clearance because I worked in the Talent Keyhole Program. One of the things that they make damn sure of is that your not a damn commie or have any ties whatsoever with the damn Communist Party. How in the hell Brennan got to be Director of CIA blows my mind. What the hell were they thinking?

  9. @Hambone – “When I was in the Air Force, I was investigated by the FBI so that I could obtain a Top Secret Umbra clearance because I worked in the Talent Keyhole Program….”

    looks like Brennan was in the Talentless Asshole Program. He excelled at it.


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