Ratcliffe: Moving Impeachment Inquiry to Intel Committee Allows ‘Closed Doors,’ No Transparency – IOTW Report

Ratcliffe: Moving Impeachment Inquiry to Intel Committee Allows ‘Closed Doors,’ No Transparency

(CNSNews.com) – “We want to be fair as we go forward” with the impeachment inquiry, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) told a news conference on Oct. 2. “And we couldn’t be better served than by the leadership of our chairman of the intelligence committee, Adam Schiff,” she said.

No, quite the contrary, say a number of Republicans who strongly oppose Schiff’s leadership of an impeachment inquiry focused on a man he despises.

“In the 240-plus years of our history, those rare times where we have had impeachment process, it’s always gone through the House Judiciary Committee, because the House Judiciary Committee is the committee of jurisdiction over the Constitution and over impeachment,” Rep. John Ratcliffe (R-Texas) told “Sunday Morning Futures” with Maria Bartiromo.

“It’s not the intelligence committee,” Ratcliffe said.

He gave two reasons why Pelosi turned to Schiff instead of House Judiciary Chairman Jerrold Nadler:

One, I think Nancy Pelosi has so little confidence, apparently, in Jerry Nadler to run this the way that she wants it. The other reason is, by moving it to the Intelligence Committee, she can accomplish what they did this week.

Adam Schiff can say, gosh, this all has to be done behind closed doors. Unlike any other impeachment in our country, which is public, he’s conducting this behind closed doors, making up the rules as it goes, as he wants them, as it suits his purpose.

And so you have a jurisdictional problem. You have a problem with transparency. And then, worst of all, the guy who is in charge of running the investigation is a central witness in the investigation, something that we don’t allow anywhere in this country and never have.

I mean, Third World countries are shocked at the kangaroo court, banana republic, make-it-up-as-you-go impeachment inquiry that the Democrats are running in this country.

“The bottom line is, Adam Schiff is a material fact witness in the investigation. He shouldn’t be running the investigation,” Ratcliffe added. Watch Here for more

11 Comments on Ratcliffe: Moving Impeachment Inquiry to Intel Committee Allows ‘Closed Doors,’ No Transparency

  1. Hunh. I was told that Democracy Dies In Darkness.

    I guess they gave up show trials with the end of Mueller Time, and now they’ve switched to secret trials in the Schiff Shampeachment.

  2. Quit having a conversation. Mark Levin stated again last night that the GOP needs to fight, not talk. One can explain impeachment without sounding like Ben Stein, love the guy. Watch out for the Specter and McCain swirling around Miss Lindsey. Haley would would have him in a headlock.

  3. “Star Chamber” rules BS “showtrial” with results but
    no trial. “Back to the USSR.”
    What’s next? A basement cell and a 9mm in the back
    of the head like the bolshies preferred?


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