The WOKE turn on Climate Greta – IOTW Report

The WOKE turn on Climate Greta

Will someone pass me the high carbon emission popcorn, please?

Breitbart: Organizers say millions of youth around the world have joined the Fridays for Future student walkouts to protest climate change. They have hailed its founder, 16-year-old Greta Thunberg of Sweden, who is currently on a North American tour to join protests and speak out on the alleged emergency facing the world, including at the United Nations last month.

youtube screenshot

And while Thunberg has been careful to cater to indigenous groups and their activist supporters – she has claimed some protests are taking place on indigenous land – many are now turning on her, claiming that she is getting attention because she is white and that support for her is proof that white supremacy and white privilege are alive and well.

“Y’all need to ask yourselves why you find it so much easier to hear from white people, regardless of age, when it comes to the violence they have caused across the world,” No White Saviours tweeted.

“It is a SYMPTOM of global white supremacy that certain people are HEARD & given a platform, certain people have access to the RESOURCES to be the HEROES that the world will pay attention to.”

20 Comments on The WOKE turn on Climate Greta

  1. I commented on this this morning on the Oregonian. They didn’t like what I had to say and disabled my comment.

    updated 5 hours ago
    CONTENT DISABLED I find her wokescold act insufferable, but other than that have no strong opinion on her. Her handlers on the other hand… the individuals responsible for exploiting her in a misguided attempt to advance their political agenda are truly loathsome.

  2. Kids the world over: Who the f**k wants to go to school and listen to boring teachers yak about boring f**cking shit like history and shit like that? F**k it, lets ditch, get high, and party. The school wants us to do it anyway, they’re letting us take every Friday off, so f**k it. We just have to tell everybody to f**k off, we’re saving the f**kin’ planet, so go get f**ked.

  3. Had to correct a teacher for my child when he proclaimed that he named his electric bike after Greta the Scold. I told him that the adults using her as a human shield/battering ram are guilty of child abuse. I told him that 50 years of climate catastrophe lies are enough BS. He was incredulous. Shocked at the truth.

  4. God………..that made me cry. I’m white. I feel so guilty.
    I demand that the white world share their creations with the non-white peoples. Creations like radio, printing, railroads, cars, planes, trains, TV, computers, cell phones, central AC and heat, running hot and cold water, textiles, medicines, plastics and all the other stuff, such as about everything else a modern civilization uses, ALL created by the systems of the white devil Nations.
    HOW DARE YOU!!! Not sharing all those things with people of color.

  5. This is how they will destroy themselves.
    The Lefties are cannibals when someone takes their
    place in the lineup of “who is the most victimized”.
    Then they do their throat ripping personal destruction
    tricks to get back in the appreciative glow of their
    fellow haters while standing on a pile of those who
    were “not left enough” bodies.


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