The bigger evil: Straws? or black market organ harvesting? – IOTW Report

The bigger evil: Straws? or black market organ harvesting?

Natural News: China is killing ethnic minorities in order to harvest their organs, but globalists say America is bad for using plastic straws.

The U.S. media is run by a cult of eco-fascist liberals who are willing to turn a blind eye to the true atrocities of our world in order to push their own, corrupt agenda. There may be no truer evil. Across the pond, the Independent is reporting on how China is killing religious and ethnic minorities at an “industrial scale” in order to fuel black market organ-harvesting schemes.

Meanwhile, the liberals of the United States are fighting plastic straws and crying about “safe spaces.” The Left seems to have a tremendous problem with grasping reality: The United States contributes just one percent to worldwide ocean plastic pollution. We are not actually the problem.

The only problem America has is with self-flagellating eco-fascists and corrupt globalists who despise the United States not for what it is, but for what it stands for: Freedom.

The anti-America agenda

Lawyers from an independent China Tribunal presented evidence to the United Nations Human Rights Council which shows that China had been taking organs from Falun Gong religious minorities for 20 years.

The tribunal reported that detainees were “killed to order… cut open while still alive for their kidneys, livers, hearts, lungs, cornea and skin to be removed and turned into commodities for sale.” The genocide of the Falun Gong is the epitome of pure evil, by anyone’s estimation. read more

SNIP: See Also:

British government ‘ignored’ Chinese organ harvesting, Tribunal rules.

14 Comments on The bigger evil: Straws? or black market organ harvesting?

  1. look, over there…. greta!

    Thank God for President Trump. No Believer, no moral person, would condone this. The amoral media ignores it because ? ? ? Religious freedom can only be taken down if America is taken out. Thats what this comes down to. Christ vs satan

  2. China is also one of the greatest polluters. Much greater than The United States.

    The United States, however, is one of greatest arms merchants.

    Howzabout we offer to sell arms to any American NATO citizen, subject to no greater restrictions than: what has been sold to NATO members can also be sold to their (private) citizens; as long as it does not re-enter NATO territory; nor is resold while the buyer is alive. There’s Earth’s enemies, sweetums. The armory’s open. Have at ’em!

  3. So US businesses producing products in China have been supporting this, as have Americans that have been forced to buy those products. At least in the US, companies just use prison labor for economy and profits. Hopefully, these prisoners are not being secretly used as organ sources. Really can’t trust our own corrupt government either on this horrendous, satanic practice.

  4. Using liberal thought processes nowadays:
    Conservatives are for plastic straws and against organ harvesting from live people.
    Conservatives are evil.
    So I as a liberal am against plastic straws and support organ harvesting from live people.

  5. …they use cut-up political protesters for museum displays too, no kidding…

    …see this?

    …well, look closer…
    “Bodies the Exhibition Disclaimer
    This exhibit displays human remains of Chinese citizens or residents which were originally received by the Chinese Bureau of Police. The Chinese Bureau of Police may receive bodies from Chinese prisons. Premier cannot independently verify that the human remains you are viewing are not those of persons who were incarcerated in Chinese prisons.

    This exhibit displays full body cadavers as well as human body parts, organs, fetuses and embryos that come from cadavers of Chinese citizens or residents. With respect to the human parts, organs, fetuses and embryos you are viewing, Premier relies solely on the representations of its Chinese partners and cannot independently verify that they do not belong to persons executed while incarcerated in Chinese prisons.”

    …and read THIS from a Taiwanese (Formosan, Nationalist Chinese) citizen for the skinny on the grotesque…

    …so, yeah, watch them straws, you want to use PAPER to sip your when viewing the remains of roughly butchered political prisoners…

  6. China + The Western Left = A Clean Environment

    And lots of dead people.

    China and America’a Democrats are now the evil monster descending on the planet. Ten years ago, it was just Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. But they did enough to open the gates of Hell.


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