CNN: If you scrutinize Liz Warren’s lies about pregnancy firing, You’re sexist – IOTW Report

CNN: If you scrutinize Liz Warren’s lies about pregnancy firing, You’re sexist

This, I expected. But I’m surprised they didn’t backhand her for carrying babies to full term.

WJ: It’s the media’s job to investigate and report the truth about important people and events — at least, it used to be.

These days, it seems that following facts no matter where they lead has been replaced by progressive pandering. It’s hard to come to any other conclusion, especially after a jaw-dropping piece published by CNN on Wednesday.

The left-leaning news network has essentially declared that questioning an unlikely story told by a female presidential candidate is sexist. Forget fact-checking and holding powerful people accountable; if a politician is the correct gender, they apparently get special treatment.

“Warren pregnancy debate another example of sexism in the guise of scrutiny,” the bold headline on CNN read. more

9 Comments on CNN: If you scrutinize Liz Warren’s lies about pregnancy firing, You’re sexist

  1. What about the superintendent and the principal of the school she was at?
    These poor people are being shit-shamed and they did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WRONG.
    From what I’ve read, their behaviors were exemplary.
    Why the Hell does the liar in this story get a pass?

  2. All the evidence shows that Dizzy Lizzy became pregnant while drinking from a beer bottle [shown above]. If you don’t believe that, it is because you have never attended Harvard!

  3. @Mr. Anth Ropy October 11, 2019 at 3:31 pm

    (Alright, notice: no ‹sarc› tag. That’s not a typo.)


    They didn’t lie for The Party’s benefit when the (great) opportunity presented itself.

    Christine Ford. Hillary Clinton. James Clapper. Hillary Clinton. Susan Rice. Hillary Clinton. The entire FBI. The entire DoJ. Lois Lerner. Hillary Clinton. Liz Warren. Adam Schiff. Hillary Clinton. Donna Brazile. Every Biden, evah.

    Not “How many were punished?” But “How many were rewarded for being caught lying, for The Party?”

    “[T]he superintendent and the principal” failed at the most basic, the most essential act, of “doing the people’s business” in a “republic”.

  4. When they have nothing they trot out the racist, bigot, homophobe rhetoric… every damn time. It is a clear indication that they are losing the public and there is nothing of substance to support their wild claims. If they start with that crap, there was nothing there to begin with.


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