“reporter” Plays The Mom Card – IOTW Report

“reporter” Plays The Mom Card

Patriot Retort:

A reporter for the Detroit Free Press claims, without evidence, that Elizabeth Warren is telling the truth because the reporter’s Mom says so.

I wish I was kidding.

But I’m not.

Nancy Kaffer of the Detroit Free Press sought to debunk the “evidence” (she used quotes) that disputes Elizabeth Warren’s recent claim that she was fired for being “visibly pregnant.”

And how did she “debunk” the evidence?

Why she talked to her Mom about her experience as a teacher in the 1950s.

This is what passes for evidence at the Detroit Free Press?

How ironic coming from a paper with “Free Press” in its name. more here

12 Comments on “reporter” Plays The Mom Card

  1. “They didn’t have to write it down. It would be a very clear subtext of this conversation that if she was pregnant, her place was to be at home with the child, and not in the workplace. That was the assumption.”

    Either the author has confused pregnancy with post-pregnancy in the same sentence, or she accidentally admits a clump of cells is a child.


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