Hunter should’ve stayed hidden – IOTW Report

Hunter should’ve stayed hidden

Patriot Retort:

Last week President Trump asked the salient question, where’s Hunter Biden? Despite being at the center of a maelstrom, Hunter Biden was nowhere to be found.

Until today.

And if this morning’s interview on ABC is any indication, Hunter probably should’ve stayed hidden.

Tonight is another Democrat debate.  And while Team Biden has already sent out a stern warning demanding that no Democrat candidate dare bring up Hunter and his get-rich-quick-off-of-Daddy’s-name schemes, Hunter himself tossed so much mud on his father by doing this interview to pretty much render the warning useless.

I’m thinking Team Biden will now have to do some damage control to control the damage done by Hunter’s damage control.

If it was the Biden Campaign’s idea to have Hunter Biden go on Good Morning America, they’re as dumb as their candidate. read more

23 Comments on Hunter should’ve stayed hidden

  1. What a self-important jackass. I will remind him, however, that Al Gores’ dad being a US Senator didn’t keep Vanderbilt from throwing Al out not once, but twice. But then again, that was when there were vestiges left of decorum and the rule of law.

  2. Regardless of (who) sent or put this idiot up to that interview, the wider message is: This is a snapshot of the “intellect” that the Left has chosen to rule us. I am so looking forward to the damage control show. It’s gonna be epic.

  3. What should the electorate get out of this?
    Intelligent, free thinking people will see that electing Obama/Biden was a HUGE mistake for the security and economic well-being of this country and Biden/anyone should be avoided at all costs.
    The NPCs will still say it is Trump’s fault/orange man bad, and that scares the hell out of me.

  4. Sure, Hunter used his dad’s name to open doors that would not normally open. I’ll give him points for honesty – unlike his father. With the Burisma scandal, the fact that Hunter Biden received a well-paying position on the board because of his relationship with Joe Biden is not surprising nor would the voters be shocked; the scandal is Joe Biden using his authority to delay aid until the prosecutor was fired and then lying about it. Now the Democrats are narrowing their choices between the incompetent and the corrupt complicated be the fact that most of the Democrat candidates are both.

    I want to see Joe Biden “debate” Donald Trump. I recall in 2012 when Biden continually interrupted and insulted Paul Ryan and turned that debate into a mockery; I would pay money to see Biden try that with Trump.

  5. They didn’t think this through. Back in July there was a l-e-n-g-t-h-y spread on him in The New Yorker. I believe they were trying to get out in front of his drug history, whoring around and shady biz deals.
    Unfortunately for him, I believe there’s more ammo in this one article than just the Burisma issue.

    The guys a colossal mess, and at the end there’s a pic of him and his “new wife”. Some bimbo he married in a matter of weeks after they met.

    No amount of veneers or Botox can clean this guy up. But just like all the shameless grifters in DC, Joe cares not one iota that he’s been caught red handed. They don’t even try to hide it.


    At 7:13 PM

    Nancys sinking and stinking up and down the Bay.
    They’ve had a blowout
    . . .and they still don’t have a spare.
    Nancy and Adam, it’s all falling apart and it’s all mixed up.
    Ain’t it so.

  7. Wyatt, Insensitive Progressive Jerk,
    That was when I realized Ryan was a POS. I still feel like I haven’t taken enough showers to get the dirt off of me from working to help get those two elected.

  8. (Interview with both Joe and Hunter Biden)

    “Joe, since you’ve invited Hunter to join you on the campaign trail, do you expect him to answer questions regarding his dealings with Burisma, Ukraine and China?”

    “Address me as Mr. Vice President, dammit! I was Vice President of The United States! And it was a big fucking deal!”

    “Very well, sir. Hunter, how do you feel about being asked questions regarding your involvement with Ukraine and China?”

    “I’m fine with it.”

    “Don’t answer that, Hunter! Look, Jimmy, or whatever your name is, I warned you about asking these types of questions…”

    “Joe? Please come back…”

    “Dad’s gone.”

  9. @Andy’s dad October 15, 2019 at 6:37 pm

    > This is a snapshot of the “intellect” that the Left has chosen to rule us. I am so looking forward to the damage control show. It’s gonna be epic.

    The “damage control show” will just be more of the same. “Epic” would require boxcars — no show, just go.

  10. @Engelburka Engelburka October 15, 2019 at 7:00 pm

    > But just like all the shameless grifters in DC, Joe cares not one iota that he’s been caught red handed. They don’t even try to hide it.

    There’s nothing to hide. There’s nothing to be ashamed of. It’s not illegal. Because it’s normal. By design.

    It’s the same reason that some people come to The United States, pull down their pants, and dump on the sidewalk. It’s what they do at home. It’s what they expect to do. It’s what everyone there does. Why hide it? Whatever could be wrong?

    (Well, “wrong” other than Americans expecting the troops such people deploy against them to be The Good Guys™, that is. But that’s the Americans’ fault, not the Columbians.)

  11. @jellybean October 15, 2019 at 8:45 pm

    > When the silent majority rises up…..there will be endless rejoicing.

    I’d rejoice if they’d just stop giving comfort and support to those that call them “enemy”.

  12. @ Old Racist White Woman OCTOBER 15, 2019 AT 7:14 PM

    I took a hell of a lot of heat over my posts about my inclination that Ryan was not to be trusted. I never liked him and I never liked Romney, both of them impressed me as particularly greasy bastards from the first time I saw them.

    I can spot a double dealer right out of the gate and that Ryan had all the earmarks of a backstabbing, double crossing, conniving, four flusher who would dry shave you every time he is given the chance and absolutely nothing going on in his favor to even take the edge off my opinion of him.


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