Feds Takedown ‘World’s Largest’ Illegal Porn Ring – IOTW Report

Feds Takedown ‘World’s Largest’ Illegal Porn Ring

Pluralist: WASHINGTON – Law-enforcement officials in several countries said on Wednesday they had arrested hundreds of people around the world for participating in a child-pornography network that used sophisticated technology to hide its users’ identities.

Officials from the United States, Britain and South Korea described the network as one of the largest child-pornography operations they had encountered to date.

Called Welcome To Video, the South Korean-based website relied on the bitcoin cryptocurrency to sell 250,000 videos depicting child sexual abuse, authorities said. more here

16 Comments on Feds Takedown ‘World’s Largest’ Illegal Porn Ring

  1. @Jerry Manderin October 17, 2019 at 4:27 pm

    > Comforting to see some of the federalies are worth their weight in gold. Great work gentlemen!

    As long as ISIS passes out a few teddy bears to the childerns, all that beheading of their parents is fine. With some people.

  2. @Tim October 18, 2019 at 8:18 am

    > They can bust a pedophile ring in South Korea, but they can’t bust the one in Hollyweird?

    Maybe the South Koreans use that high grade United States’ stuff?

    And people who take security seriously… don’t.

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