Obama Staffer Jen Psaki Slams Mulvaney For Admitting ‘Quid Pro Quo’ — Then Concedes It Happens All The Time – IOTW Report

Obama Staffer Jen Psaki Slams Mulvaney For Admitting ‘Quid Pro Quo’ — Then Concedes It Happens All The Time

Daily Caller: Former White House communications director Jen Psaki criticized White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney for admitting to a “quid pro quo” — and then almost immediately conceded that such arrangements were common practice.

Psaki joined Sunday’s panel discussion on CNN’s “State of the Union” discussing Mulvaney’s Friday press conference. 

Tapper turned the question to Psaki directly, saying that the White House had admitted that there was a quid pro quo: “Ukrainian aid in exchange for an investigation into the 2016 election of DNC server.”

Tapper then shared video of the press briefing, during which Mulvaney claimed, “We do that all of the time” with regard to foreign policy and getting other nations to cooperate in large-scale operations. “And he talked about how aid to the northern triangle, Central American countries came in exchange for them doing something about illegal immigration,” Tapper continued.

“Well, first of all, it was complete malpractice to put Mick Mulvaney in that briefing and in the White House you discuss those decisions over and over again when you decide to put a Chief of Staff out,” Psaki began.

Psaki then argued that Mulvaney had been trying to write off a quid pro quo with regard to demanding an investigation into Biden by suggesting that it was normal diplomacy — in spite of the fact that Mulvaney had directly referenced the 2016 election, not the Bidens. “But I will say, there is a very dangerous kind of combination argument being made, I should say, by people like Mulvaney that the quid pro quo is a normal part of diplomacy and suggesting that looking for political dirt on your opponent like Joe Biden or anyone else and doing that through diplomacy is normal. It is not normal,” she said.

Psaki concluded by conceding that the concept “quid pro quo” — although not always in those words — was, in fact, business as usual when it came to diplomacy. “How it works, you use levers like if you do more work on human rights and you’re better on that, then we may unleash some more military assistance for you. That is in the national interest of the United States. Using it in a political — as a political cudgel is not normal and shouldn’t be send and — shouldn’t be accepted and I’m surprised that Republicans are agreeing to this.” WATCH

7 Comments on Obama Staffer Jen Psaki Slams Mulvaney For Admitting ‘Quid Pro Quo’ — Then Concedes It Happens All The Time

  1. Hannibal Lecter: Quid pro quo. I tell you things, you tell me things. Not about this case, though, about yourself. Quid pro quo. Yes or no? Yes or no, Clarice? Poor little Catherine is waiting.
    Clarice Starling: Go, Doctor.
    Hannibal Lecter: What is your worst memory of childhood?
    Clarice Starling: The death of my father.
    Hannibal Lecter: Tell me about it and don’t lie, or I’ll know.
    Clarice Starling: He was a town marshal, and… one night, he surprised two burglars coming out the back of a drugstore. They shot him.
    Hannibal Lecter: Was he killed outright?
    Clarice Starling: No, he was very strong, he lasted more than a month. My mother died when I was very young, so… my father had become the whole world to me, and, when he left me, I had nothing. I was ten years old.
    Hannibal Lector: You’re very frank, Clarice. I think it would be quite something to know you in private life.
    Clarice Starling: Quid pro quo, Doctor.
    Hannibal Lector: So tell me about Miss West Virginia. Was she a large girl?
    Clarice Starling: Yes.
    Hannibal Lector: Big through the hips? Roomy?
    Clarice Starling: They all were.
    Hannibal Lector: What else?
    Clarice Starling: She had an object deliberately inserted into her throat. Now, that hasn’t been made public yet. We don’t know what it means.
    Hannibal Lector: Was it a butterfly?
    Clarice Starling: Yes. A moth. Just like the one we found in Benjamin Raspail’s head an hour ago. Why does he place them there, Doctor?
    Hannibal Lecter: The significance of the moth is change. Caterpillar into chrysalis, or pupa, and from thence into beauty. Our Billy wants to change, too.

  2. they’re now trying to make the argument that ‘it’s done all the time’ to cover their malfeasance in the Russia Hoax … PDT & Barr must be getting very close … Qid Pro Quo

  3. On yesterday’s 60 Minutes, Christine LeGarde, head of Eurobank:
    “Now 63, Lagarde has become a global force. Not just for what she says about women, but because she acts on it. For the first time in its history, Lagarde has tied IMF loans to improving conditions for women in countries like Argentina and Jordan. “
    Quid pro quo?

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