Democrat Amy McGrath Attended Dinner Hosted by Radical Muslim Group CAIR – IOTW Report

Democrat Amy McGrath Attended Dinner Hosted by Radical Muslim Group CAIR

CAIR Kentucky Facebook

WFB: As Democrat Amy McGrath was laying the groundwork for her Senate bid, she attended a dinner hosted by the Kentucky chapter of a radical anti-Israel organization that has been tied to funding of global terror networks.

The Kentucky chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, known best as CAIR, posted multiple pictures of McGrath in attendance at its annual dinner on May 11, 2019. She is currently featured in the main photo of the group’s Facebook page.

McGrath launched her long-shot bid to unseat Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell in early July. Her first filing shows, however, that the campaign was already in swing at the time of the May dinner, with staff on payroll and large contributions already filling its coffer.

The McGrath campaign defended the CAIR dinner as an “interfaith event.”

“Amy attended an interfaith event joined by a rabbi and a Baptist preacher and sponsored by the University of Kentucky,” McGrath’s campaign manager Mark Nickolas said.

The Muslim advocacy group has well-documented ties to terrorist groups such as Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood. CAIR was named an unindicted co-conspirator by the U.S. Department of Justice after an investigation into how American charity networks were used to provide material support to Hamas. In 2014, the United Arab Emirates officially designated CAIR a terrorist organization.

McGrath, who first ran for a congressional seat in 2018, has not been vocal on Israel since launching her campaign to unseat McConnell. She has received substantial backing, however, from liberal anti-Israel group J Street, which bundled nearly $100,000 for her campaign in its opening months, according to FEC filings. READ MORE HERE

4 Comments on Democrat Amy McGrath Attended Dinner Hosted by Radical Muslim Group CAIR

  1. The massive influx of illegal and legal aliens have been primarily young men of military age, none of whom have any loyalty to this country or to the basic Christian faith or to the Constitution. Any politician (R or D) being a cohort to this alien invasion abomination is actually working to undermine this country’s stability. It’s no coincidence and very threatening.

    BEWARE the FOREIGN SOLDIERS living in your midst
    By David Brockett -October 23, 2019

    ““We the people” are a thorn in the side of those who would burn our Constitution and bend us to their will. It is no secret that those who would govern and rule us from afar need to find a way to get these pesky well-armed patriotic Americans—these nationalists and populists—out of the way.”

    “It wouldn’t be easy to convince our American military men and women to turn on American citizens, but there is no human or religious bond between most of these new Christian-hating military-age immigrants and the people of this nation. I think 9-11 proved that point—they even killed hundreds of their own to get to us.”

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