Nolte: Adam Schiff Desperate to Hide William Taylor Testimony that Would Kill Ukraine Hoax – IOTW Report

Nolte: Adam Schiff Desperate to Hide William Taylor Testimony that Would Kill Ukraine Hoax


The Big Fake News today is that Ukraine’s top diplomat, William Taylor, delivered a smoking gun to Rep. Adam Schiff’s (D-CA) secret impeachment hearings.

That is not hyperbole, those are the headlines — “smoking gun.”

So here we are again with Russian Collusion 2 in full swing, with the WALLS CLOSING IN ON TRUMP, and all of it backed by a coordinated news cycle about how President Trump is toast, done, over and out, corrupt and kaput fer realzies this time. Except…

Once again, it’s all fake news (but you knew that).

Even though Schiff’s secret impeachment inquiry is supposed to be secret, leaks to the far-left CNN-NYTimes-WashPost geared for the Get Drumpf! crowd are currently being reported everywhere without a hint of scrutiny from the media, unaware or unashamed of being so obviously manipulated by the Schiff Cabal.

Someone, somehow leaked Taylor’s opening statement to the media — and, gee, we can only sit here and imagine who that might have been.

Meanwhile, even though we are talking about a process designed to overturn a national election, the accused — President Trump — has no rights, nor do his surrogates among House Republicans. They are not only restricted from calling their own witnesses, which is unprecedented in the history of impeachment, they cannot even publicize their side of the story without violating Schiff’s fascist rules.

Worse still, while Taylor’s opening statement is leaked to the media, this one-sided document from a career diplomat who obviously despises Trump, the transcripts and recordings of his entire testimony remain hidden, guarded, secreted away… And the so-called media are perfectly fine with this, perfectly happy to publish what Schiff wants them to publish, even though they know it does not tell the full truth.

And in the specific case of Taylor, according to three Republican Congressman who were in the room, the testimony Taylor gave that completely undercuts the narrative about his “smoking gun” opening statement remains hidden from the public, and we are now stuck with an incurious press that just doesn’t want to hear the full and inconvenient truth.

Appearing with Sean Hannity on Fox News after Taylor’s testimony, Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) said, “The truth is, in two minutes, John Ratcliffe destroyed this witness. There is no quid pro quo.”

Earlier in the day, Rep. Ratcliffe (R-TX) himself verified this while complaining (justifiably) about how he is restricted from revealing the full truth of what happened. He did, though, say what he felt he could: read more

17 Comments on Nolte: Adam Schiff Desperate to Hide William Taylor Testimony that Would Kill Ukraine Hoax

  1. I can start building the stocks that will hold Schiff’s head and hands tomorrow….then we just need kids to throw tomatoes at his head until he dies of frost in a related sepulcer….

  2. “…the media, unaware or unashamed of being so obviously manipulated by the Schiff Cabal.”

    Kind of like the girl you were dating back in high school who kept saying “no” while she was slipping out of her panties.

  3. Appearing with Sean Hannity on Fox News after Taylor’s testimony, Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) said, “The truth is, in two minutes, John Ratcliffe destroyed this witness. There is no quid pro quo.”

    Earlier in the day, Rep. Ratcliffe (R-TX) himself verified this while complaining (justifiably) about how he is restricted from revealing the full truth of what happened.

    Schiff is leaking. Why isn’t Ratcliffe, or the other two Reps who were in the room, leaking?

  4. “But again, the mainstream media reporting that he provided evidence of a quid pro quo involving military aid is false. I questioned him directly on that. And under [House Intelligence Chairman] Adam Schiff’s rules I can’t tell you what he said,…”

    Release it anyway, who cares about Adam Schiff’s rules? He is not even following his own rules. Leaking to a friendly press is his trick. Follow the leader. It’s not like it’s a law, it’s a stupid arbitrary house committee rule. A rule that the house democrats are not even following themselves!!!

    Oh yes, I forgot… Republicans have their scruples.

  5. How’s that little Lindsey Graham dude(ette) doing with his investigations of the bad guys? What a farce. Another all hat no cattle blowhard.

    GOP is rudderless and dickless.

    Please prove me wrong.

  6. “Republicans have their scruples”

    … & that’s why I worry a lot if this ever gets to the Senate. there’s a cadre of ‘scrupulous’ repubs that would vote to throw out PDT in a heartbeat … & there are others, like Graham, who are deathly afraid that Trump’s DOJ will uncover just how far these ‘swampers’ were involved in the ‘collusion’ plot … remember it was McCain that went & got the dossier … willing to bet there are other republiswampers that are complicit

  7. These people may think they want to nullify the 2016 election but they really should be careful what they wish for. If they somehow succeed in realizing their wet dream, there will likely be new and exciting forms of “fed up” manifested in ways they may find unpleasant.

  8. They continue to pursue the overthrow of the president as if once they regain power any of us are actually going to comply with any rules and laws they force on us.
    They are complete lawless scum and the general public will not accept their forced control.
    They’re pushing for this confrontation and they’re going to get it.

  9. @The Deplorable TWP October 23, 2019 at 11:33 pm

    > there will likely be new and exciting forms of “fed up” manifested in ways they may find unpleasant

    Deplorable! We are NOT animals! We are not North Korans!

    It may not, always, be pleasant. But it will, never, be unpleasant. That’s just not who we are!

  10. You know testimony is “explosive” when the only people in the blast radius who survived to tell are Ted Lieu, Eric Swallowswell, Mad Maxine and Sheila Jackson-Lee.

  11. “Schiff is leaking. Why isn’t Ratcliffe, or the other two Reps who were in the room, leaking?”

    that is what all impeachment inquiry is designed to promote.
    republicans leaking info.
    they will then be prosecuted to the full extent of the law tried in the msm and determined to be guilty by the sunday talking heads.

    social justice is not about real justice.

    this just like the Antifa protests – touch one hair of an Antifa’s head and you will be the one going to jail, not the Antifa no matter what they did to spark the confrontation.


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