UK: Sexual assaults on trains nearly double in five years – IOTW Report

UK: Sexual assaults on trains nearly double in five years

Voice Of Europe:

Reports of sexual assaults on trains in Britain have nearly doubled in the past five years, with the vast majority of perpetrators escaping justice.

In 2018, staff and passengers reported 2,628 cases of sexual assault, nearly doubling the 1,402 cases that were recorded five years ago, the Mirror reports.

An average of seven sex crimes were reported per day, while children were the victims in 215 separate cases.

Despite the rise in reported sexual assaults, the number of perpetrators who end up being prosecuted has remained mostly unchanged. Just 402 of the reported cases last year led to prosecutions, just a few more than the 380 that occurred in the 2014-2015 period.

The data obtained by the tabloid included all crimes which fall under the Sexual Offenses Act such as sexual assault, rape, groping, flashing, and other ‘indecent acts’. more here

14 Comments on UK: Sexual assaults on trains nearly double in five years

  1. Hmmm … I wonder if there’s any similarities of … say … either victims or perpetrators?

    Except that they’re all limeys … and riding on trains …

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. “with the vast majority of perpetrators escaping justice.” Because the police are investigating hate speech and people saying “hurtful things.” Like those racist white kindergarteners.

  3. “An average of seven sex crimes were reported per day,…..”

    The key word to understand the situation is “reported”.

    Many Brits are afraid to report crimes for fear of being charged with something themselves.

  4. Simple solution: When you see a woman being assaulted on a train call the cops and say the woman insulted islam. They’ll show up minutes later. They will, however arrest the victim. 21st century Britain, right?

  5. Turn in your cutlery and promise to be a good boy from now on.
    Which middle eastern country is paying the Royals to keep quiet about this?
    I bet some jihadi is just itching to get rid of them. What a prize the crowns would be back in sandcrackistan.


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