Wexit: Alberta wants to break up with Canada – IOTW Report

Wexit: Alberta wants to break up with Canada

Rebel News: Right after Justin Trudeau won a minority government Monday night, #Wexit began trending on Twitter.

It was just one of the signs that western Canada, especially Alberta, is starting to see separation as its only option if it wants to preserve what little say it has in energy policy and its future economic growth. more here

29 Comments on Wexit: Alberta wants to break up with Canada

  1. Self-determination is anathematic to nihilistic totalitarianism.
    So (similarly to Spain/Catalonia) you can’t really expect Canada to just tip the hat and yell “bon voyage” now can you?

    They will kill or imprison anyone who (seriously) demands independence – as long as it’s idle talk, they’ll let it continue – when (if) it becomes serious they’ll crack down.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Anonymous
    OCTOBER 24, 2019 AT 1:54 PM
    “Whoa SNS… do we really need people who go around saying “eh” to everything?”

    …well, huron’s a bro, I’d LOVE to have that guy as a countryman, and Mr. and Mrs. Radiomattm(probably spelled wrong) would BOTH be a blessing to this nation, and KCIR, and tim buctu, and JD Hasty, and toby miles(i think) ane ALL clear thinkers, and I’m sure there’s many more here who I dont know are Canadians, but they would assets to THIS nation and make US stronger againnst the rising tide of evil…

    …welcome, freinds. You can hit Washington like your countrymen hit Juno Beach on D-Day, and once more fight together against a powerful, fascist regime, but THIS time, without even needing a boat…

  3. Jimmy
    OCTOBER 24, 2019 AT 3:00 PM
    “Good luck with that, Alberta. In the meantime, we need two new states down here: Liberty and Jefferson.”

    …wouldn’t that be GREAT if we could get to Obama’s “57 States”, but the OPPOSITE of the 57 Muslim ones HE meant?

    …we can dream…

  4. If they have to fight a war, they have most of the oil. I understand *the liberals in the East would be too busy fondling their farm animals to notice a war, and the Quebecers, eh, who cares.

    * I heard that from a Canadian. lol

  5. Albert’s not leaving. This happens every so often and the press plays it up. Albertans’ are justifiably upset about the election (as am I as well and as a lot of people who have seen the worst possible outcome, meaning the Liberals are now the sock-pocket of the NDP and a rebirth of the separatist Bloc Quebecois). What they really want is a government (both Provincial and Federal) who will not cater to the Man Made Climate Change Fraud and will stop foreigners (chiefly Steyer and Soros) from interfering in our affairs (so they can make money on the various “green” technology currently being subsidized by taxpayers all over the world). The Conservative Party was Alberta’s (and Canada’s hope) and they blew what should have been a liberal bloodbath by running a nice guy as party leader and not doing a hard, no prisoners attack on Trudeau and Singh (leader of the NDP). Albertans’ love this country and going forward will work harder then ever to elect a conservative government (with a new leader) to start to undo the damage from the last and the new (and worse) Liberal government. Andrew Scheer (the Conservative Party leader) is a nice and smart guy but he was the wrong man, in the wrong place at the right time and I’m sure he and the rest of the party will recognize that and the search for a new leader will be on.

  6. Yes it would be super, Super! (Sorry, I couldn’t help it! :-))

    And I would probably move to Jefferson – along that tsunami- and earthquake-prone coast somewhere. But Liberty would be an option, too, because I love farmland almost as much as the ocean.

    Now that I’m retired, it seems like all I do is dream…

  7. Supernightshade.Thank you for the kind words to my fellow Canadians. Once i can fully retire the land of the free is on my mind. I will miss the lovely little village of Point Edward Ontario on the St Clair river Lake Huron but i am happily caring for my elderly mother and working on my old bikes. Walking out the back gate and jumping in the lake helps wash away the silly and damaging things trudeau foists upon us. God bless you and enjoy every day.

  8. The Canucks have been good neighbors to me for 60 yrs. Plus my mom remarried to a Canadian 43 yrs ago and he’s a damn good man. They just can’t bring their funny looking money here. Or their bacon. Theirs is good but I like ours better. And maybe it will drive down the US price of HP. I love that stuff.

  9. @MJA/Huron. Quite true as long as he continues to win the support of the party members at each leadership vote. That doesn’t mean that he won’t be defeated at the polls or does something so wrong as he loses confidence of Parliament and then loses an election. As you know it was the same in the US until Roosevelt won his 4th term and a term limiting amendment was put into place. In Canada usually the electorate does a reasonable job unless the name of the candidate is Trudeau then 2/3 of the voters brains fall out. I’m still pissed off.

  10. Huron, I’d be tempted to swim across for those bottles of deliciousness. My mom brings some when she visits but we can’t find the giant bottle anymore. Thing was huge, probably close to quart/litre size. Fantastic on a meatloaf.

  11. Bernier and the PPC diverted 6 seats away from the Scheer conservative. That would have given the Bloc Quebec and Conservatives the ability to form a coalition and stick it to turdo.

    Alberta and Quebec could have weakened the liberals until the next election. BUT, for all the Canadians who voted Bernier, congratulations! Now You can listen to Trudeau virtue signal for about 2 years.
    I am more angry at you than the selfish pigs from Ontario who voted liberal.

    Pigs are pigs after all!

    You have to be pragmatic and your primary goal should have been to STOP TRUDEAU, not to send a message that now will never be heard.

    To the Americans, Bernier was in the Conservative party and was irresponsible with a confidential briefing book.

    Enjoy Trudeau, I know I won’t, but at least I voted WITH Alberta and SASKACHEWAN!

  12. MJA OCTOBER 24, 2019 AT 5:25 PM
    I read somewhere that Trudeau can serve as many terms as he wants to run and win. Is that correct? At this point, you’ll have to wait til he is bored or arrested to get him out of there.

    There is ANOTHER option… Vince Flynn (RIP) called it “The Third Option”.

  13. There is a US Law written in the 19th century and still on the books that if Canada or any province there-of decides it wishes to leave the Commonwealth and join the United States, it would be automatically admitted as (a) state(s).
    Is Alberta aware of this law?


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