Pompeo: The Term ‘Human Right’ is Being Used ‘For Something That is a Mere Preference’ – IOTW Report

Pompeo: The Term ‘Human Right’ is Being Used ‘For Something That is a Mere Preference’

(CNSNews.com) – Secretary of State Mike Pompeo says his department’s new “Commission on Unalienable Rights,” which held its first public meeting Wednesday, aims to develop a document by mid-2020 that will make clear what precisely are “fundamental human rights and why they matter so much to America.”

The initiative comes at a time when repressive regimes around the world are subverting the concept of human rights – a point highlighted by Pompeo in a speech Tuesday at the Heritage Foundation, where he cited as an example the Maduro regime in Venezuela’s recent election onto the U.N. Human Rights Council (HRC).

He returned to the subject Wednesday during an interview on Tony Perkins’ national radio show Washington Watch, citing the HRC election as an example of how humankind has “deviated” from what human rights actually are. more

4 Comments on Pompeo: The Term ‘Human Right’ is Being Used ‘For Something That is a Mere Preference’

  1. Fuck this shit….I’ll make my own tacos and curry, jerk chicken blah, blah blah….Everybody that came here in the last 40 years needs to speak english fluently, stand for the pledge of alliegence and the National Anthem…UH OH there goes the NFL, NBA, MLB….The NHL might have some issues about nationality but that would get fixed in the locker room, EH?….

  2. it is so refreshing to know that there are still people in positions of power in this country that hold on to the idea of The United States of America … it is a concept that can free the people of the world

    … that’s why the Progressive/Socialist/Communist Oligarchs fight against it so much

    it’s an idea worthy of fighting for!

  3. Apparently it’s a “right” to be able to pick your sex, race, sexual preference, religion, or lack there of.
    What else you need?
    I hope somebody compiles a list.
    “I’m so confused !” – Vinnie Barbarino.

  4. Pompeo seems to be a real American.

    Simple fact: if you endeavor to subvert the Constitution, you are a TRAITOR.
    If you want to modify the Constitution, there are legal ways, other than the circumventions and mendacities incorporated by “judges” and other totalitarians.

    Mr. Pompeo understands, or at least vocalizes, an American ethos.
    (if this seems like faint praise, consider that I thought Sessions was a good choice)

    izlamo delenda est …


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