NeverTrumpers Still Clutching at Their Little Pearls – IOTW Report

NeverTrumpers Still Clutching at Their Little Pearls

I bet they have hair on their palms.

Patriot Retort: The pearl-clutching coming from Never Trump “conservatives” has gotten so bad, from now on, we should just call them the Well-I-Never-Trumpers.

Yesterday, a group of House Republicans decided to descend on the super-secret Star Chamber Shampeachment.  And I have to say, it gave me a happy.  One of the biggest complaints most Republican voters have about Republicans in Congress is that they lack the backbone to stand up to the vile, despicable shenanigans of the venal Democrats.

Naturally everyone in the news media clutched their pearls and bemoaned this brilliant move as a “political stunt” and (hang on to your hats) a “danger to our national security.” But none were more upset at the lack of “decorum” from these House Republicans than the Well-I-Never-Trumpers.  

And nobody typified the Well-I-Never-Trumpers quite like some prat writer from the Washington Examiner.  He actually titled his piece “These GOP House members just made themselves the antifa of Capitol Hill.”

Is he kidding?

Did Matt Gaetz beat the living crap out of Adam Schiff or throw bottles of urine at people?

Did these guys smash windows and set fire to trash cans?

“But, but, but, THEY ORDERED PIZZA just like Antifa would!!!!!”

What a complete drama queen.

6 Comments on NeverTrumpers Still Clutching at Their Little Pearls

  1. I call them the ‘Repeasers’

    they go along because, although they are the ‘loyal opposition’, they don’t want to fight too much. after all, being invited to the latest black-tie dinner (is that racist?) on Capital Hill is so much more important than representing those peasants that think/thought you were such a great person & you actually took your oath to uphold the Constitution & help them instead of yourself as truth … Suckers!

    I loath these creatures more than the de’rats … at least the de’rats tell me to my face they want me subjugated … & if not, eliminated

    de’rats will stab you in your chest … repeasers will stab you in your back

  2. I looked in the OED and found this definition (emphasis mine):

    prig, n.
    A precisian in speech or manners; one who cultivates or affects a propriety of culture, learning, or morals, which offends or bores others; a conceited or self-important and didactic person.

    If the OED had pictures, this entry would show this one of the WE opinion writer.


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