Space just opened up in the Dems’ clown car – IOTW Report

Space just opened up in the Dems’ clown car

Tim Ryan drops out of 2020 presidential race.

Wait… the guy that does yoga? I thought he dropped out already.

19 Comments on Space just opened up in the Dems’ clown car

  1. You didn’t get THE PARTY MEMO, Tim.

    Being a white male liberal is no longer sufficient unless you are, at least, homosexual. Even that won’t get you over the finish line.

    You’re just not homo socialist enough to draw any notice.

  2. So, he gets to keep his seat in the House?

    These fukkin maggots should have to resign their seats in order to run.

    Separate the cream from the milk, so to speak.

    I have a sneakin suspicion that this whole “runnin fo Preznit” scam is a scam – but I haven’t figured out how it works – I may want to run next time.
    (oh, I’m not THAT Tim)

    izlamo delenda est …


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