CBP: 75 miles of new border wall system completed – IOTW Report

CBP: 75 miles of new border wall system completed

75 miles of new border wall system completed. Construction currently underway for an additional 158 miles. 450 miles by the end of 2020. The border wall system supports USBP’s ability to impede and deny illegal border crossings and drug and human smuggling activities.

5 Comments on CBP: 75 miles of new border wall system completed

  1. Great. Now put up guard towers.I want good
    rock road down all 2000 plus miles so military
    grade Humvies loaded with BP can get around.
    Exterminate the DOE DOE and HUD.The savings will
    allow us to hire 10,000 new BP and still have
    plenty $$$ to maintain road and wall.


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