Texas Sheriff Vows To Stop Beto’s Enforcers at the County Line – IOTW Report

Texas Sheriff Vows To Stop Beto’s Enforcers at the County Line

WJ: Democratic presidential candidate Robert “Beto” O’Rourke’s proposed plan to disarm Americans by force just hit another major speed bump, as a Texas sheriff’s office vowed to stop his enforcers in their tracks.

The Kinney County Sheriff’s Office took to its Facebook page on Oct. 19 to give O’Rourke a reality check.

The message was simple — confiscating guns might be easy in places like California and New York, but Texas is another story.

“Recently ‘Beto’ O’Rourke made comments about a mandatory buy back for all AR-15 and AK-47 rifles and that those who refused would have them ‘confiscated’ by law enforcement,” the post by Sheriff Brad Coe read.

“As Sheriff of Kinney County, I would meet ATF and the FBI at the county line and deny them access to the county to violate the Second Amendment. For almost 40 years I have sworn to protect the Constitution ‘against all enemies, foreign and domestic.’” read more

14 Comments on Texas Sheriff Vows To Stop Beto’s Enforcers at the County Line

  1. Because, yeah, when Los Zetas are “just passin’ through”, today, we’ll just give them a “Fare thee well”. But, someday, some “line will be crossed”. Yes it will. Yessirree, Bob.

  2. A moot point – there are no circumstances I’m aware of that would EVER result in this Candy Clown becoming POTUS.
    If by some horrible chance he did, well, we’re gonna need those guns, so refer to July 4, 1776.

  3. I still wonder what would happen when push comes to shove and somehow Beto’s insanity becomes the law. On which side will rank and file FBI, Police and ATF fall when ordered to start grabbing guns.


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  5. A county sheriff has a lot of authority and usually personal appeal in Texas. People living outside city limits call the sheriff’s office whenever there is a problem. I personally know a couple of the deputies who live nearby my fairly rural location.

    Under Posse Comitatus, a sheriff can summon armed citizens to aid law enforcement. “Beto’s boys are comming” would cause a swift and able reaction.

  6. I hope that those of you who join the official Illuminati, remember where you got your invite. And hit that coin slot, over there, with some of those half-million dollars.

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