Donald Trump May Read Ukraine Call Transcript on Live Television – IOTW Report

Donald Trump May Read Ukraine Call Transcript on Live Television

Breitbart: President Donald Trump says he is considering reading the transcript of his summer telephone call with the president of Ukraine on live television to illustrate directly to the American people that no wrongdoing was discussed between the two world leaders.

“This is over a phone call that is a good call,” the president told the Washington Examiner. “At some point, I’m going to sit down, perhaps as a fireside chat on live television, and I will read the transcript of the call, because people have to hear it. When you read it, it’s a straight call.”

President Trump also reiterated to the publicationthat he has no plans to cooperate with the House Democrats’ partisan impeachment investigation, stating the closed-door proceedings “are setting a terrible precedent for other presidents.”

“Everybody knows I did nothing wrong,” he added. “Bill Clinton did things wrong; Richard Nixon did things wrong. I won’t go back to [Andrew] Johnson because that was a little before my time,” he said. “But they did things wrong. I did nothing wrong.”

Although some witnesses — such as Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman and diplomat Bill Taylor — have expressed concerns about the July 25th call, other officials have said they believe no wrongdoing occurred during the conversation, which included a suggestion by President Trump for Zelensky to examine allegations of corruption against former Vice President Joe Biden and his son, Hunter Biden. House Democrats claim the president appears to have attempted to exchange $400 million in U.S. aid to Ukraine for a probe into the Biden family, a charge both world leaders vehemently deny.


Trump Campaign Selling ‘Read The Transcript’ Merchandise.

7 Comments on Donald Trump May Read Ukraine Call Transcript on Live Television

  1. @Perry November 1, 2019 at 12:35 pm

    > He should do something, because the DOJ is just sitting on its butt while the coup marches over us.

    He’s not the only one. That’s what makes him our President.

  2. “Quid pro quo” is the straw man.

    Somebody tell me, what in politics doesn’t congeal on the basis of “quid pro quo?” How is Legislation crafted? How do you get a majority of 435 peeps to agree to anything without carrots and/or sticks?

    The hypocrisy is suffocating.

    This endeavor should be acknowledged as Treason and pursued as such.
    The Demonrats’ aim is nothing less than the overthrow of our Constitutional order – invalidate the 2016 election by attempting to remove the lawfully elected President and pollute the 2020 under a veil of Star Chamber tactics.

    Secondarily, they are attempting to foment violence – orchestrating the killing of some – say Schitt and/or Pelosi (both of whom could be considered expendable) – to further the socialists’ disarmament agenda. They know that a tyranny can only be imposed on a defenseless populace.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. The difference between President Trump and the Left is:
    The more they talk, the more they rend their garments, the more distilled their following, and smaller.
    The more the President talks, the more people find him reasonable.
    I agree w/you Tim the hypocrisy is suffocating
    This crap from day one has been all sizzle and no steak.

  4. Might be a good idea,, I doubt most people have or will ever actually read that transcript.

    In any event, the Democrats have gone all in on this and put themselves in a position where they absolutely have to succeed in the impeachment or they will end up so defeated they may never recover.

    Expect all stops and all limits to be pulled as they progress, they simply can’t afford to lose no matter what.

    You might get prepared for increasing Leftist violence as well, it would serve their purpose.

  5. Leftists impeaching Trump say that no one is above the law, not even the President. Thus, that means that even presidential candidates are not above the law. Therefore, Trump is totally within his Constitutional authority to delve into the illegal and corrupt dealings of anyone, including candidate Joe Biden. Just sayin’, the dems admit that no one is or should be above the law. They can’t have it both ways. Oh, wait.


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