African slavery reexamined by a Senegalese academic – IOTW Report

African slavery reexamined by a Senegalese academic

American Thinker: The West is responsible for black slavery! It is not only the Muslim suburbs that affirm this, the media are widely reporting this politically correct contention. Madame Taubira, the black justice minister of France, even added her personal touch when she said: “It is not necessary to mention the Arab-Muslim slave trade too much so that young Arabs do not have to carry all the weight of the crimes perpetuated by the Arabs.”

But now the work of Mr Tidiane N’Diaye, a black Muslim anthropologist and specialist in African civilizations, has seriously challenged this dogma. A few years ago, he published “The Veiled Genocide”, a reflection on the deliberately hidden aspect of Arab-Muslim slavery, from Mohamed to the present day, that absolutely should be read.

(It may not yet be translated into English. The French publisher presents the book as a study that sheds light on a tragedy that has gone almost unnoticed: the trafficking of Blacks from Africa by the Arab-Muslim world. This trafficking has involved seventeen million victims killed, castrated or enslaved for more than thirteen centuries without interruption. The prisoners were forced to cross the desert on foot to reach the Maghreb, Egypt or the Arabian Peninsula via Zanzibar, by boat… Yet this slave trade was minimized, unlike the Western trade to America. Why? Because only conversion to Islam made it possible to escape slavery, but did not spare Blacks. However, nowadays most of Africa has become Muslim, hence a form of religious fraternity between the “white” and “black” sides of the continent, and a common desire to “veil” this genocide. A polemical and courageous book.)

While the slave trade perpetrated by Westerners over two and a half centuries may have been an attack on human dignity that was widely denounced and commemorated, it is useful to demonstrate historically the Islamic origin of the slave trade in question. And let us not lose sight of the fact that the enslavement of blacks dates back 10 centuries to the arrival of the conquerors of Allah in Africa.

h/t forcibly deranged

10 Comments on African slavery reexamined by a Senegalese academic

  1. Negroes enslaved negroes a millennium before izlam spread like a cancerous malignancy over the Arabian peninsula.
    Just as did American “Indians” and Indian “Indians.”
    Greeks, Babylonians, Assyrians, Jews, Hittites, Akkadians, Canaanites, Trojans, Romans, Latiums, Sabines, Picts, Celts, Kikuyus, Masai, Azteca, Tolteca, Mongrels, Danes, Norse, Franks, Beans, and any other sub-group of humanity you can name enslaved their friends and neighbors – only the negroes have made a cottage-industry out of it.
    Whine-whine-whine – sorry, kids, it’s what humans do! Pull up your pants and get to work.

    Glad an African figured it out.
    It’s a shame France is ashamed of France (but could it be otherwise?).
    Izlamic savages didn’t start it, they just expanded it.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Wait just a cotton pickin minute.
    According to the recent, well-researched, NYT “1619 Project”, Africans arrived on the shores of a distant land, and despite the atrocities committed by the white man, they nevertheless endured and settled what is now known as America.

    Are you telling me both the NYT AND Michelle obama are wrong?

  3. The new tax slaves are now clamoring in over the border of their own free will, to tend to our first class elites homes and gardens. They think their going to be free, but the democrats will keep a hand on their wallets via ultra high taxes and fees. Suckers

  4. Just like the selective Feminists who refuse to acknowledge the treatment of women in the Middle East, not to mention the LGBTQRSTUVWXYZ silence on the treatment of Homos there as well! Hypocrisy is the Facade of the Left!

  5. Slavery is a part of the human condition.
    Just like distrust of strangers that appear different.
    Fix the problem Not the blame
    Death by starvation to all slavers, use the Mongolian Box method and put them in a box and leave said box in the desert

  6. Isn’t that why Democrats want open borders? It’s the closest thing to slavery they can get. Who can an “Illegal Emigrant” (undocumented democrat) complain to? What is the average wage for an Illegal Emigrant? I bet its not the $15 an hour they propose. So even though they promise $15/h minimum wage it’s useless in a market flooded with illegals.


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