Pregnant Woman Saves Family With AR-15 During Home Invasion – IOTW Report

Pregnant Woman Saves Family With AR-15 During Home Invasion

…During this frantic attack, King’s wife looked around the corner and saw the robbers savagely beating her husband.

One of them fired a shot towards her direction. Then she proceeded to get her AR-15 to return fire.

8 Comments on Pregnant Woman Saves Family With AR-15 During Home Invasion

  1. An awesome case of self defense!
    Making only one of those scumbags take the dirtnap they asked for is only half a win but its the right half because she got out of it alive so I count it a great big WIN!!!

  2. She deserves a medal! Bronze at lest!
    Crime was less when we hurt criminals. Smart folk have known for thousands of years that punishinG bad acts reduced them! Dr. Skinner deMonstrated this witH rats and birds, in the lab, 60 years ago. So today there is no reason eveN dummies should think otherwise. If they are honest. When was the last time a “bleeding hart” was honest? NEVER


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