The 1995 NYC Veterans Day Parade Had $1.21 In The Bank. Then Donald Trump Stepped In – IOTW Report

The 1995 NYC Veterans Day Parade Had $1.21 In The Bank. Then Donald Trump Stepped In

Daily Caller:

President Donald Trump will lead New York City’s 100th annual Veterans Day Parade next week, becoming the first sitting president to accept the honor, the event’s organizers announced Wednesday.

But while Trump will be making history Monday as he attends the parade, an offer the United Veterans War Council has made to every president since 1985, his involvement as a citizen with the annual Veterans Day event dates back to 1995 when he saved the event from dire financial straits.

Less than three months before the 1995 Veterans Day parade, in mid-August, organizers had just $1.21 in the event’s bank account after receiving nothing from the 200 corporations, including military contractors, they had reached out to for financial support, The New York Times reported in 1995.

“Zippo, dada, zilch,” the 1995 parade’s executive director, Tom Fox, told The NYT. “Nothing from Northrup, United Technologies, none of them. To me, it’s a sin.”

It was at that point then-businessman Trump stepped in and saved the event by contributing between $325,000 and $375,000, parade organizer Vincent McGowan told CNN in 2016.

Trump’s contribution unleashed a windfall of donations to the parade’s organizers. While the parade’s budget was ultimately reduced from $2.9 million to $2.4 million, The NYT reported, the show was able to go on.

Trump had also requested to be named the grand marshal of the 1995 parade in exchange for his contribution, a move that had reportedly angered some veterans at the time, but McGowan told CNN that Trump was never given the honor because he was not a veteran.

McGowan could not be reached for comment, but a spokesman for the United Veterans War Council told the Daily Caller News Foundation that CNN’s reporting in 2016 that Trump had saved the 1995 Veterans Day Parade was accurate. read more

11 Comments on The 1995 NYC Veterans Day Parade Had $1.21 In The Bank. Then Donald Trump Stepped In

  1. I’m thinking of taking off of work and taking the crew, but I must say security will be crazy and I am not sure if I like this?? To begin with?

    Every rooftop must be off limits and I bet right now that is being implemented…

    That said, will have to figure out the best place to view, maybe the steps of St Thomas on 55th st?

    Imagine the leftist and liberals head explodes when he walks past the Trump Tower on 56th street!!!

    DJT, commander in chief this time, back in town.

    (DJT bailing out the parade that year is a little known NYC secret of the presidents…until now).

  2. ghost, he is going to kick it off at the the Garden, he will not walk the whole route.
    And here we have another gift from P.Trump that we have never heard about.
    “The man is just the worst person in the world” K.O.

  3. @ Geoff C. The Saltine – I could be wrong but I think the kick off will be at Madison Square PARK, which is at 23rd street and Fifth Ave, THE Madison Garden III is on 34th and Seventh.

    There is an Admiral Farragut statue among others, in that park, “Damn the torpdeos full speed ahead!”

  4. There are very few individuals in this country that have done more for the well being of Americans, and instilling the sense of pride and patriotism in all of us! The libs in congress can fuck themselves. I HATE them with every ounce of my being! I bet I haven’t written the word h*te 5 times in my life, but it applies for these TRAITOROUS BASTARDS!!!

  5. So Trump sticks his neck out and saves a BANKRUPT event, and they turn around and make an excuse why he couldn’t be grand marshal?

    What ungrateful scumbag came up with that idea?

    Without Trump, they couldn’t have paid for a Radio Flyer pulled by wiener dogs.


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