diGenova and Toensing on Upcoming IG Report: “it’s going to be worse than you can imagine” – IOTW Report

diGenova and Toensing on Upcoming IG Report: “it’s going to be worse than you can imagine”

Conservative Treehouse: Joe diGenova and Victoria Toensing appeared on Fox News to discuss issues surrounding the ongoing investigations of Inspector General Michael Horowitz and U.S. Attorney John Durham. Mr. diGenova and Ms. Toensing bring the tick-tock hammer to the audience.

22 Comments on diGenova and Toensing on Upcoming IG Report: “it’s going to be worse than you can imagine”

  1. “it’s going to ruin careers”

    I’m not interested in ruined careers, I want people in jail. Better yet, swinging from a gibbet. What we’re most likely to receive, based upon past experience, is a whole lot of nothing.

  2. it’s going to be worse than you can imagine

    Mathematically unpossible!

    I can already imagine zero (not statistically “zero”, but absolute, exactly… zero) Americans engaging in “extra-judicial” (that is, without The Party’s imprimatur) executions.

    (Hey. Somebody cue that George Micheal dude. While imma nappin.
    Wake me up, before you go-go.)

  3. A whole lot of “stuff” has got to happen BEFORE Hillary jumps into the race.

    Otherwise, if it’s afterwards, the Media/Democrats and about half the American people will think it’s politically-motivated and not a deadly serious legal matter that threatens our very existence as a nation.

    We’re on very thin ice.

  4. Ruined careers???? Justice??? Where are the cuffs?
    Where are the armed officials breaking down doors in the middle of the night, with news teams at the ready? Where are they???? I’m afraid these lowlifes will never face the wrath they do deserve. Change my mind!!!

  5. “it’s going to be worse than you can imagine.”

    I am skeptical about that becoming true. That nothing will happen beyond harsh words about them as they remain free on Almost-island in the middle of the swamp.

    I’ve come to expect all the coup conspirator big fish and middle sized fish will escape prison time or even a court hearing. Maybe even the little fish, too. Just leery of high hopes being dashed again.
    And that’s the worse I can imagine.

    Most of them appear to be following the lucky path of Theodore Hall. The Los Alamos physicist that gave atomic bomb secrets to the Soviets, but was never prosecuted. Oh the investigators were onto him, but he realized they couldn’t charge him without revealing our own sources within the USSR. He never admitted anything to the investigators. He was a guilty fish they let get away with it. [ oddly, he was from Far Rockaway, NY. Also the home town of Richard Feynman]

    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theodore_Hall .

  6. The swamp is so expansive most people can’t even imagine or want to for that matter. It includes everyone who lives off the efforts of other people by the point of a gun. That includes everyone who collects any kind of government entitlement INCLUDING Social Security and Medicare. Just because you didn’t realize at the time that the system was corrupt and you let a thief steal it from you does not mean other people should be enslaved to pay it back to you. If you think that you are fxxked up.

  7. Billy, that’s the “Conservatives must be willing to give up Social Security” argument. While I believe it, it’s amazing how many Conservatives argue against it.

    Liberate our kids and grand kids (and future progeny) from these Communist, Ponzi-scheme shackles.

    Litmus test for Conservatives? This has led to knock-down-drag-out arguments on other blogs.

    An Article V. Convention Of The States is probably the only non-zero chance of it ever happening other than complete collapse of our country.

  8. @Tony R November 7, 2019 at 2:28 pm

    > I’m afraid if we really want to see justice served, it’s going to take vigilantism.

    Not at all. It’s only “vigilantism” if you agree the current regime has moral authority to rule.

  9. We are living in a Post Judicial justice age as regards government employees and politicians. There are no consequences for a failed coup and they all know it.

    Best case for the nation, they unseat Trump by conviction at Impeachment. THAT will cause some side affects of the creeping Socialist State.


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