Bernie Sanders’ VA Plan: Provide ‘Medically Necessary Gender-Affirmation Surgeries’ and ‘Abortion Care’ – IOTW Report

Bernie Sanders’ VA Plan: Provide ‘Medically Necessary Gender-Affirmation Surgeries’ and ‘Abortion Care’

Breitbart: Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) on Monday unveiled his $62 billion plan to revamp the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), promising to end the exclusion on what the presidential hopeful describes as “medically necessary gender-affirmation surgeries” and emphasizing the need to provide “abortion care.”

The former chair of the Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee unveiled his VA plan on Veterans Day, proposing $62 billion in new funding to revamp the VA.

“Today, due to serious underfunding, the VA’s infrastructure is crumbling and in vital need of repair. VA hospitals have gone without needed updates and maintenance, and outpatient clinics and Vet Centers have gone unopened,” Sanders’ plan states.

“As President, Bernie will invest at least $62 billion in the infrastructure needed to provide the cutting-edge health care services our veterans have earned and deserve,” it continues.

A good portion of Sanders’ plan is devoted to guaranteeing quality health care for veterans, which he believes Medicare for All will enhance.

“Coupled with Medicare for All, veterans will be able to rely on a health care system that is working for them, not against them; a system focused on a person’s health, not their ability to pay,” his plan states.

Part of that quality medical care, Sanders assesses, should include the ability to undergo taxpayer-funded “medically necessary gender affirmation surgeries” and receive what he calls “abortion care.”

As president, Sanders would “end the VA’s blanket exclusion on medically necessary gender-affirmation surgeries” and  “ensure that women veterans will no longer be forced outside the VA system for basic women’s health services, including fertility treatment, abortion care, or specialized cancer treatment and prevention services.”

Sanders is not the only presidential candidate to focus on taxpayer-funded “transition-related” surgeries as part of his VA plan.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) promised “gender-affirming and culturally-competent” health care for LGBT service members and veterans as part of her comprehensive veterans plan released last week. read more

15 Comments on Bernie Sanders’ VA Plan: Provide ‘Medically Necessary Gender-Affirmation Surgeries’ and ‘Abortion Care’

  1. “medically necessary gender-affirmation surgeries”

    I wouldn’t mind hearing an exact definition of that.

    Especially including what makes it a “medically necessary” surgery.

  2. According to Elizabeth McGovern Warren, these mentally disturbed people are the backbone of our democracy. Senator Sanders must be worried about locking down the trannies before they vote for the other crazy Socialist. While he’s at it, he’s going to turn the VA into the largest government sponsored abortion clinic in America. It worked in the Soviet Union, so it has to work here once the Proletariat overthrow the Capitalists.

  3. Bernies slogan: “Promise them anything and everything, but give them Communism”
    The more preposterous, the better!

    Mr. Merriweather: A two legged creature will believe anything and the more preposterous the better.

    Joseph Goebbels: People will believe a big lie sooner than a little one; and if you repeat it frequently enough people will sooner or later believe it. The more preposterous the better.
    The essential leadership secret does not depend on particular intelligence. Rather, it depends on a remarkably stupid thick-headedness. When one lies, one should lie big, and stick to it. Keep up the lies, even at the risk of looking ridiculous.

    Of course what followed was the systematic genocide of some six million Jews.
    Bernie was four years old when Hitler killed himself.
    He should know better.
    Bernie should scare the living shit out you!

  4. Old Mad Hatter Bernie, who has been affiliated with government since the time of Moses, has suddenly found out that the government is a failure and all of its infrastructure is falling down! Now he wants to run the failed government and to fix everything, with all of your money, that he neglected for years (he even wants to fix perverts)!

  5. well if you ask me and I know you didn’t

    I think all faggots should be at the front line leading the charge!

    along with all those mooselimbs living here

    and the illegals aliens!

    you have to earn respect


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