Kanye West is fleeing California, too – IOTW Report

Kanye West is fleeing California, too

American Thinker:

Score another one for Wagon Train, the figurative movement away from California by its most productive and creative citizens.

Pop superstar and tennis shoe mogul Kanye West has given all indications of pulling up stakes and setting into less restrictive and less costly Cody, Wyoming.  He’s bought two large properties there, and he and his wife, Kim Kardashian, have been reportedly checking the schools for their four children.

According to an interesting eclectic collection of stories and links by the PanAm Post, it’s the same reason a lot of Californians are leaving — the one-party blue state’s execrable business climate:

During his interview, West made it clear he found California’s rigid regulatory structure stifling and a bit irritating. He shared a story about regulators telling him his Star Wars–inspired domes for the homeless — a project West was experimenting with — were not up to code.

“One of the domes was 10 feet too high,” said West. “They came and said, ‘You got to take it down.'”

West said he was fine with taking it down, but he was angry that officials informed the press about the action.

“Ten feet? On my own 300-acre property?” said West. “And we could have handled it…but [they] wanted to go to the press to let everyone know [they] were tearing down Kanye’s domes.”

The episode apparently was enough to help convince West, an innovator who speaks glowingly about creativity and the virtue of competition, that California was not the place for his multibillion-dollar brand (Yeezy is owned solely by West).

So in other words, he tries to do something good for the poor people, and the leftist Democrat officials not only interfered with the construction to shut the whole thing down, but, after that, decided to twist the knife by calling the press.  keep reading

23 Comments on Kanye West is fleeing California, too

  1. He is thinking for himself, not sure he was really doing that until a couple of years ago.
    I feel like it is inevitable for me – and I keep talking about leaving to friends. It won’t be until summer for a variety of reasons but I feel it is hurting me to stay.
    For weather purposes I am focusing on 4 corners states or Carolinas – but likely Colorado. I know it’s pretty liberal, but I like the geography and have friends there, not so much elsewhere.

  2. So the Kardashians are taking over Wyoming. Don’t be fooled about the Christian thing. Peace and love. How many hippies “found Jesus?” And look what they did to America.

  3. Everyone with any sense will leave or plan on leaving.

    Only masochists, imbeciles, and those with the mental aberration known as “Abused Victim Syndrome” will stay in an abusive situation – and CA is totally abusive – at least to those who work and pay taxes.

    But, of course, there were some who wept when Stalin and/or Hitler died.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Just leave your California (New York or Illinois) ways at the state lines….

    We…..Southerners…..get tired of you people telling us how you did it in California, New York, or Illinois…. so quit trying to change the South into the $hit holes you escaped from.

  5. @Ed: the only reason I’d tell you how we did it in CA would be so you wouldn’t make the same stupid mistakes.

    The easy answer: anything coming from government or NGO’s (non-governmental organizations) is BAD BAD BAD. No on bonds of any kind. No on ‘infrastructure’. No on any taxes. No on anything pro-union. No on any increase in govt size or spending. Yes on anything pro-independence and self-reliance.

  6. Hey anonymous, come to my home of Cody and say that to anyone’s face who lives here. This is America 100%. We don’t take kindly to fucktards with subversive attitudes.

    Guaranteed at minimum that you’ll get a fat lip.

    As far as Kanye and Kim go, we’ll give them as much of a welcoming chance as any other out-of-stater. If they fuck up it’ll be on them, and only them and they won’t last.

    I’ve lived here for over two years and I love it.

  7. @ Tony R,

    Cody and the predominant area is considered the ‘banana belt’ of Wyoming. It’s late November and there’s still no snow here yet. Temp this morning was 47 degrees F.

    I still have a two wheel drive p/u.

    Now truth be told, a 10 minute trek West through the tunnels to the Wapiti side has yielded Twilight Zone type of weather. Cody will be warm and Wapiti will be snowing. It’s weird stuff. It’s all influenced by the mountain structure in the area.

  8. Wyoming will definitely straighten out Crazy Kanye. Wish he hadn’t decided to bring his hot mess lifestyle to my dream state.
    BTW, He’s not a conservative, just an old school liberal. As far as being an actual Christian, time will tell, not convinced he can actually keep the faith.

  9. I live in a very, very small community. We are somewhat isolated and depend upon each other more than usual.

    Every once in a while, someone will move in and not get to know the culture of kindness and neighborliness and begin to take advantage.
    Soon, no one will do anything for them. I’ve seen it happen and usually they leave the area.

    We truly need our neighbors, and if you can’t even hire them to do some work you can’t do, you can’t survive.

    It’s a beautiful place with wonderful people.

  10. Speaking in code is probably a good idea when you live in a police state.

    You don’t know who you’re talking to or who’s listening.

    Those who can read between the lines might understand the message.

    One problem with resisting is that you don’t know when the revolution has started. Will the party get started in 5 years? 10 years? What will start the fire? Gun confiscation? Closing churches?

    Tyranny is not fun, but people can endure quite a bit. There’s no revolution in North Korea.

    Everyone hates the Vegas shooter because he killed innocent people, but would he get sympathy if he attacked the EPA?

    While the USA is collapsing right now, Rome managed to hold on for 1000 years. Perhaps having a plan would be better than acting hasty.

    Have all possible solutions be exhausted? Are Americans protesting on a wide-scale? Have any states voted for secession? Has a Constitution of States been formed? What are the issues? The USA is a police state, but can the problems be fixed? Why not vote? Why not educate people? Why not contact elected officials? Why not just emigrate?




  11. I’m attracted to Wyoming. For many reasons. I don’t need any weak sisters following me there? I have a test I’m ready to submit to Wyoming officials for future immigrants.


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