Sanctuary California Gives Mexican Gang Member to ICE for Deportation – IOTW Report

Sanctuary California Gives Mexican Gang Member to ICE for Deportation


The State of California honored an immigration detainer placed on a previously deported violent Mexican national. The criminal alien returned to the U.S. after being deported in 1999 and received a conviction for voluntary manslaughter in 2003.

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) officers lodged an immigration detainer on 44-year-old Luis Gonzalez-Valencia, a Mexican national and confirmed gang member. California authorities honored the detainer and turned the prisoner over to ERO officers at the Calipatria State Prison. ERO officers verified the criminal alien’s identity and placed him in custody for removal proceedings.

“We are grateful for the cooperation of the California State Department of Corrections honoring the lodged detainer for this violent felon; however, ICE continues to be challenged by California’s protection of the criminal alien populations within their correctional system, San Diego Deputy Field Office Director Jamison Matuszewski said in a written statement. “These challenges are further enhanced when California’s legislative body devalues criminal convictions specifically inhibiting federal immigration entities from using those convictions for removal or federal prosecution.” MORE

9 Comments on Sanctuary California Gives Mexican Gang Member to ICE for Deportation

  1. So now what will happen? He’ll walk across the border and be back in his old neighborhood in a week. Take to the desert, shoot him and leave him laying there. Buzzards got to eat too, same as worms.

  2. Just like prison inmates, Americans are turning on each other rather than attacking the prison guards that are enslaving us.

    Part of the reason the US is collapsing now is that Americans have tunnel vision and are being distracted and divided about what the biggest problem is.

    Some Americans think the main issue is illegal immigrants, homosexuals, statues, saluting the flag, or Russian election hacking when the real problem is that the elites control the corporations, the media, and the government and have turned the USA into a bankrupt warmongering police state.

    Unless the 99% unites and agrees the real enemy is the ruling class that has rigged and corrupted the US, the 1% will continue their destruction until there is an economic crash, civil war, WWIII, and Americans end up in concentration camps.

    Wake up.


    Spread the word.

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