A dozen document troves that could change the Ukraine scandal if Trump released them – IOTW Report

A dozen document troves that could change the Ukraine scandal if Trump released them

John Solomon Reports: There are still wide swaths of documentation kept under wraps inside government agencies like the State Department that could substantially alter the public’s understanding of what has happened in the U.S.-Ukraine relationships now at the heart of the impeachment probe.

As House Democrats mull whether to pursue impeachment articles and the GOP-led Senate braces for a possible trial, here are 12 tranches of government documents that could benefit the public if President Trump ordered them released, and the questions these memos might answer.

  1. Daily intelligence reports from March through August 2019 on Ukraine’s new president Volodymyr Zelensky and his relationship with oligarchs and other key figures. What was the CIA, FBI and U.S. Treasury Department telling Trump and other agencies about Zelensky’s ties to oligarchs like Igor Kolomoisky, the former head of Privatbank, and any concerns the International Monetary Fund might have? Did any of these concerns reach the president’s daily brief (PDB) or come up in the debate around resolving Ukraine corruption and U.S. foreign aid? CNBCReuters and The Wall Street Journal all have done recent reporting suggesting there might have been intelligence and IMF concerns that have not been fully considered during the impeachment proceedings.
  2. State Department memos detailing conversations between former U.S. Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch and former Ukrainian Prosecutor General Yuriy Lutsenko. He says Yovanovitch raised the names of Ukrainians she did not want to see prosecuted during their first meeting in 2016. She calls Lutsenko’s account fiction. But State Department officials admit the U.S. embassy in Kiev did pressure Ukrainian prosecutors not to target certain activists. Are there contemporaneous State Department memos detailing these conversations and might they illuminate the dispute between Lutsenko and Yovanovitch that has become key to the impeachment hearings?
  3. State Department memos on U.S. funding given to the George Soros-backed group the Anti-Corruption Action Centre. There is documentary evidence that State provided funding to this group, that Ukrainian prosecutor sought to investigate whether that aid was spent properly and that the U.S. embassy pressured Ukraine to stand down on that investigation. How much total did State give to this group? Why was a federal agency giving money to a Soros-backed group? What did taxpayers get for their money and were they any audits to ensure the money was spent properly? Were any of Ukrainian prosecutors’ concerns legitimate?
  4. The transcripts of Joe Biden’s phone calls and meetings with Ukraine’s president and prime minister from April 2014 to January 2017 when Hunter Biden served on the board of the natural gas company Burisma Holdings. Did Burisma or Hunter Biden ever come up in the calls? What did Biden say when he urged Ukraine to fire the prosecutor overseeing an investigation of Burisma? Did any Ukrainian officials ever comment on Hunter Biden’s role at the company? Was any official assessment done by U.S. agencies to justify Biden’s threat of withholding $1 billion in U.S. aid if Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin wasn’t fired?
  5. All documents from an Office of Special Counsel whistleblower investigation into unusual energy transactions in Ukraine. The U.S. government’s main whistleblower office is investigating allegations from a U.S Energy Department worker of possible wrongdoing in U.S.-supported Ukrainian energy business. Who benefited in the United States and Ukraine from this alleged activity? Did Burisma gain any benefits from the conduct described by the whistleblower? OSC has concluded there is a “substantial likelihood of wrongdoing” involved in these activities.

6 Comments on A dozen document troves that could change the Ukraine scandal if Trump released them

  1. If Trump would release them. If Trump would declassify them. WTF Trump, you’re pissing off a bunch of your best supporters with this if’a, could’a, and would’a, bullshit. Granted it’s great that a bunch of pedos are getting busted but we’re waiting for more than that. Trust the plan? I’ll start trusting results.

  2. Speaking of trust the plan, it’s Mike Tyson that said, “everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face”. If you stand around long enough with your hands at your side you stand a good chance of getting punched in the face. Tough to be a counter puncher when you’re seeing stars.

  3. I can surmise #4 went something like this;

    Ok Yuri, here’s the deal. My dopey son (no pun intended) won’t be a problem. In fact, he flits around from rehab to rehab, so the press will never catch wind of this from him.

    Now I’m going to toss my hat in the ring for 2020, and believe you me Yuri, I’m a shoe in for the prezzy. By the time anyone puts pieces of the puzzle together, I’ll order the State Dept, my friends at DOJ/FBI to make this go away and it’ll biz as usual.

    What’s that you say? It’ll never work, they tried it with Hillary? Well, let me assure you, I’m no Hillary, besides, the democrat party have the whole of govt and all of the media in our pocket and they’re working in tangent to make sure we have a “favorable outcome”.


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