Oklahoma Man Dies After Falling Into Clothing Donation Bin – IOTW Report

Oklahoma Man Dies After Falling Into Clothing Donation Bin

KFI: An Oklahoma man died after he got stuck while trying to climb inside a clothing donation bin. A passerby noticed the man was “hanging half in and half out” of the donation bin, which is located in the parking lot of a shuttered grocery store, and called 911. read more

8 Comments on Oklahoma Man Dies After Falling Into Clothing Donation Bin

  1. Illegal immigrants are bad for the USA because they use welfare, take jobs, don’t obey the law, and diversity makes the country weaker.

    On the other, illegal aliens pay sales taxes and reduce the costs of products by driving down wages.

    Maybe immigrants wouldn’t be so bad if the USA had reciprocal work visas with other countries.


    Even though the US is no longer a democracy and the elites will ignore Americans who are opposed to illegal immigration, Americans can still resist illegal immigration by getting illegal immigrants to self-deport.

    Why not ask illegals to leave? Make them uncomfortable. Don’t be friends with them. Don’t rent to them. Don’t hire illegals. Don’t give them rides. Don’t give them money.

    The US is a nanny state. This nanny state is a nightmare for the US, but Americans can use it against illegal immigrants.

    Contact the police if you see an illegal immigrant loitering, vandalizing, begging, harassing girls, littering, playing loud music, drinking in public, using a leaf-blower, or keeping chickens. Make life hell for illegal immigrants.


    Pass the word.

  2. “Illegal immigrants are bad for the USA because they use welfare, take jobs, don’t obey the law, and diversity makes the country weaker.

    On the other, illegal aliens pay sales taxes and reduce the costs of products by driving down wages.

    Maybe immigrants wouldn’t be so bad if the USA had reciprocal work visas with other countries.


    Even though the US is no longer a democracy and the elites will ignore Americans who are opposed to illegal immigration, Americans can still resist illegal immigration by getting illegal immigrants to self-deport.

    Why not ask illegals to leave? Make them uncomfortable. Don’t be friends with them. Don’t rent to them. Don’t hire illegals. Don’t give them rides. Don’t give them money.

    The US is a nanny state. This nanny state is a nightmare for the US, but Americans can use it against illegal immigrants.

    Contact the police if you see an illegal immigrant loitering, vandalizing, begging, harassing girls, littering, playing loud music, drinking in public, using a leaf-blower, or keeping chickens. Make life hell for illegal immigrants.


    Pass the word.”

    Brah, you even lift?

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