CNN Guest Says Trump Is ‘Destructive Cult Leader’ Who Uses ‘Mind Control’ – IOTW Report

CNN Guest Says Trump Is ‘Destructive Cult Leader’ Who Uses ‘Mind Control’

The Lid: This isn’t political—it’s NUTS CNN’s Brian Stelter on Sunday hosted with an “expert” who believes that supporters of President Trump are in a “destructive cult” and are the victims of “mind control.”

Stelter interviewed a cult expert, Steven Hassan whose psychological pedigree comes from the fact that he’s a former “Moonie cult leader. ”  Hassan suggested instead of watching football and stuffing oneself with turkey and carbohydrate-loaded side dishes, thanksgiving gatherings would be a great time to stage an intervention to take “the first step of deprogramming” Trump voters. read more

26 Comments on CNN Guest Says Trump Is ‘Destructive Cult Leader’ Who Uses ‘Mind Control’

  1. This is just another version of “Trump voters are dumb.”

    The leftists have nothing, and their voter base isn’t smart enough to stop and wonder why.

    Yea, I’m calling them dumb.

  2. This is the hilariously misnamed “Reliable Sources” show, isn’t it?

    As opposed to “Meet The Press”, a show that used to be about A-List politicians meeting the press but is now just a roundtable of the D-List press meeting each other.

  3. “I define a destructive cult as an authoritarian pyramid-structured group with someone at the top who claims to have total power and total wisdom that uses the deception and control of behavior, information, thoughts, and emotions to make people loyal and dependent and obedient followers”

    He just described Communism and the entire Communist world.

    Wonder if he realizes it?

  4. So there are about 62 million – and growing – members of this cult? Good luck “reprogramming” that many people. CNN, Democrats and our late night talking heads have been trying for four years with anti-success.

    But if this jack jaw wants to try, I would suggest this as a starting slogan: “Good times bad, bad times good.” That seems to be the Democrat platform anyway.

  5. There is nothing wrong with your mind. Do not attempt to adjust your thoughts. We are controlling all. If we wish to make you louder, we will bring up the volume. If we wish to make you quieter, we will tune it to a whisper. We will control the horizontal. We will control the vertical. We can roll the image, make it flutter. We can change the focus to a soft blur or sharpen it to crystal clarity. For the rest of your life, sit quietly and we will control all that you see and hear. We repeat: there is nothing wrong with your mind. You are about to participate in a great adventure. You are about to experience the awe and mystery which reaches from the inner mind to leftist control…..

  6. I have the same response to this as to people saying that the Christian religion is a crutch: “Well, if it’s a crutch, then give me TWO!”

    If supporting a president who delivers on his campaign promises — promises that put America first in every particular — is a a “cult”, then SIGN ME UP! The D’s aren’t very smart when it comes to big concepts; they believe men can have periods and babies and that carbon credits will stop the world from turning.


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